1,c) 1f `I' `P E N D I yY. Nul:.nb: .I\7 have hazarded my Life for many a Bogle Sermon now repent of all? what then can I take Comfort in of all my Life? ' Quell. 20. Is it not as finful to Write andCotinfel when prohibited, as to Preach ` anti mutt we repent of all our prohibited Writings to? if God blefs our Preach- ` ing and Writing to the good of many Souls, doth it not fòrbid us to repent, or s at leaft make it very hardto us ? can I honefily with all undone again ? `Ipray you haften your convincing Reafons to keep me but of Prifon, and fur- ' eher Guilt if chis be criminal. s Pag. 197, 198, &c. You (peak principally to me, which bids me further ask e you, Quef. 21. Whether we did profefs that our private catechizing alone did all ' that Good, without our publick preaching or rather with it ? If not, whether you ` did not unhappily hence colle&our Unhappinefs ? Quef?. 22. If I were able in this Parifh, or the lau I lived in (or the eje&ed ` Pattor who liveth near me) to go from Houfe to Houfe, it would.be many Years t before he or I could go over halfthe Patilla. And do you think that to be taught once aYear, or in many Years, is enough to counterwork Sin,the Devil andhislei- hruments ? Would you have no more, except for Twoor Three Thoufand of all a the Parilh. Quéff, 23. But are you not rob fufpicious when you talk of fhrewdly fufpsE?ing s (p.198, 199.) thole that fupport the Minifters, unlefs they would do it to them ' that ceafe Preaching ? Youmuff needs know that in moll Country Parishes the a People cannot rapport them ; and others far off are lets apt to feel the Wants of ` diftant Perfons ; and Charity would have gathered but this: It is their Supporter's `Judgment and their own, that not the Loyterer, but the Labourer is worth* ' of his Meat (at leali) and that to ceafe Preaching till Mens necef sty ceafe is a ' heinous Sin : and a Man may forbear rewardingand encouraging heinous Sins; ` without the Guilt that you feem to fufpe&. `. Queft. 24. Why do you think that the Minifters do not do their bell inprivate ` (as well as in publick) to chofe that will receive them ! Read Hof. Allen's Life, en- ' quire better in Londonwhether Mr. Sangar, Mr. Caughten, Mr. Reed, Mr. Doolittle, Mr.Turner, Dr. Anefly, Mr. Vincent, and filchothers, do not labouras well in Pri- ' voteas in Publick? for my part, I amnot now able, muff Ithereforedo nothing? is it a Sin to fpeak to Two Thoufand at once, and a Duty to fpeak to them one byone, doing that a whole Year, which Icando in an Hour ? You fay, p. 205. you fpeak notto all alike, but to all in their feveral meafure you ' fpeak : And you'll fay all Parilhes be not fo great, nor all Minters fo bad as tome in publick, nor fo unable, &c. I antler, a. Nor dowe behave ourfelves in all places alike : Not only I, but other more eminent Miniffers of London (many) go to the Parifh-Churches, efpecially in the. Country, and countenance honeff publick Minifters to the utmoft, and communicate ordinarily with them: And ' many Minifters in the Country do as you advile, in living in great Love and Communion with the Parilh-Minifters, fave that theyceafe not Preaching as you ` would have them, and they gather not diltin& Congregations; but muff thefame ` courfe be taken in London, where the Fire path burnt the Churches, and half and moreof the People have no Churches to go to, through the greatnefs of the Pa- ' riffles : Should fuch a famous City be Paganifed by the Perfuafrons of Godly Men, ' as for the promoting of Unity and Godlinefs ? If you fay, that moll Minifters fettle where the Churches are not full, and not in the great Parishes. I an- ' Ewer, r. That is becaufe they are driven out of the great Parishes by force. 2. And People cannot come out of the great Parishes to them, where they are, or elfe to the publick Churches thebetter whentheir Abfence maketh room. Pag. 18z. You fay If thole formerly or more lately who delired tomeAltera- ' tion in the external Form of Adminiltration ufed in our Church had not run fö ` high as to affert things unlawful, which by all their Mediums theycould never prove to be fo, ere. Queft. 25. Why then did not their Charity or yours ¡hew the weaknefs of what we took for Proofs, nor ever anfwer our three laff large Writings given in tothem ? Quell. 26. You (truly) contradi& many Writings of the (unanfwerable) Con- ' forntius,'who fay that at Worcefter Houfe, or in that Treatywe profelfed all that ' we oppofed to be lawful, and only inconvenient ? which of you lhall the ignorant believe? Q eft. 27. Know you not how much is addedfine? Will you join with them that build up a double Wall of Separation, and will by no intreaty take down one Stone of it, and then cry [Schifm, and Separation]. ' Qaeft.