104 ff `P P E ND I X. Nulzlb:IV. paratìng Ç. a Church as no Church, and a Miniftry as none; when its riot . '. In none ofthefe refpe &s do we feparate or divide from the Church or Churches 'that we fhould hold Communion with. a. We feparate from the Catholick. Church,; a. Nor from the Churchof England,as accidentally 'headedby theKing. `;. Nor as a number of churches affociated for Concord ; 4. Nor as a meer Com- munity, part of the ChurchUniverfal ; q. We feparate not from the Parini- ' Churches that have true Paftors, either as no Churches, or as holding Cçmrnu- ` Men with them in ordinary publick Woríhip to be (imply or commonly finful t 6. Nor would we make any Divifion inthe Churches by unjuft contention : but. ` that she are Separattfit that do fo, and deferve All your reproof, and need all your. s Admonitions we doubt not : But by overdoing ( the ordinaryway of undoing) I, doubt you have loft your labour, and much worfe. Not brit that all of us (lave great cede to thank you, if truly you dodete t any guilt of ours,as welt asothers: butif, youhave done much to increafe the Schien, anti Made. yourfelf guilty öf ft," ` you have croft your,own end, notwithffandingg your ßòód meaning. 1. We are not for building up anyWalls of 'Separation; fumeMatters of Sch fth' are. 2. We think that noHumane Churcheshave power to abrogate. thePriviledges or Duties of the Churches of Chrift's own tiftitution.- Seine Schifmatieks think ` otherwife. 3. We hold that Chriftians lhoufd lioninholy Love and Peace, when tolerable ` Diffet'ences of Opinion placeth them in divers Congregations: but fume S'chif- maticks think otherwife, and make fuch a peevifh unreafonable noire againft all that do not meet with them, and fubjeéf themfelves to rhetti, as that their Cla- mour is the kandal ro the Infidels, Atheiffs, and Papilts, 'making them believe that we are mad,or all in pieces,whenwediffer but in little things: and fo they re- ' proach the Frailty of Humane Nature and the common Imperfectionof Believers . ' with calumniating Cenfures and Accufations, as if they were a greater evil than they are. 4. We hold that Love and Tendernefs and Self-denial fhould pardon honeft Chriflians, for chooling(itch Pallours; as are really molt ferviceable to their Sal- ' cation, and their own Experience find to be fo , rather than unfisitable Men ( to fay no worfe) that are thrnft on them againft their wills: andthat other Mini- fiers fhould be glad, if they will livepeaceably under others, and profit by, them, though they choofe notthem: but fume turbulent Self feekersare of another mind and way. r. We think (as is faid) that the Parifhes are or fhould be true Churches, and we hold Communion with them as fuch : but fome Conformilts um-Church them, ` and make them but parts ofa Church, and hold no Communion with them o-. therwife. 6. We go upon certain and plain grounds in determining what Schifm is (as the three forts e. g. aforefaid) but fo donot many Schifmaticks that yet cry dówn Schifm. 1. Someof them make it Schifm not to obey the Pope as Univerfal Monarch. 2. Some make it Schifm not to be fubjeét to a true Univerfal Council, as the Collehtive Head of the Church, when there neither was, is , or ever will be fuch a thingin the World ; much lefs the rightful Headof the Church. 3. Some (with BithopBromball and his Advocyates, and others) would have the Pope to be Principium Uniraris, and Patriarchof the Welt, and fo it (hall be Schifm riot thus to fubmit to him. 4. Some (as Mr. Thorndike) would have thefe Councils and Canons to rule us ' for Concord which were till the timeof Charles the Great. q. Some are for Concord on the receptionof the four Eft Councils, fome of fix, fume of eight, Gratias ofall well expgunded. 6. Some hold that its Schifmto difobey the King's Church Orders, and to refute any hilltopor Minifter that the Kingor a Patron choofe for us. 7. Some hold that it's Schlimto obey the King inthe circafana, asaforefaid (in choice of Paitouts, Time, Place, Tran(lation, Meetre, &c. if the hilltops or Bi- (hop be againft it, and command the contrary; and that thefe mull rather be o- ' bey ed. 8. Ebmehold that -iris Schifm tofeparate froma Parifh Church as no Church : others think it none. y. If the Archbilhop command one thing , and the Bifhop another, and the Patiala Pallor another, and a Parent another, (aswhen toCommunicate, a what