Baxter - BX5207 B3 A2 1696

1Vumb.IV.. A P P E N D I X . í05 what Gefture, Habit, etyc.) they are not agreed what Difobedience here is the Schifm. to. Some take it for Schifm if a prohibited Minifter fpeak to God in Prayer, ' or to the People inteaching'them, in any words but what a Bilhop or Bithops ' write them down ; òr if he obeynota Bilhop never truly chafen by the Clergy or the People even in every commanded Formand Ceremony. ` xr. Some think it Schifm if we hold Communion with thofe whom a Lay- ` Chancellour Excommunicateth, or ifwe deny our Communion to thofe that he ` abfolveth, yea if we publifhnot his Sentence as in theBifhop's name,that perhaps never knew of it. ` xo. Some fay it is Schifm ifwe preach in another Man's Parifh, be there never ' fogreat need, without his confent. ` x3. Some fay it is Schifm if wepreach without theBifhops licence, thoughwe I have the King's, or at leaít beOrdained -even by the Bithops. 14. Some fay, that if we be licenced, it's Schifmto preach to above four in an ` unlicenfed place. f ¢. Some fay, if Perfon and Place be licenced , it is Schifm to preach without the Common Prayer. ` x6. Some fay, that ifthe Bithop command us mbar fir flantibús to, preach or meet only at midnight, or twenty miles off, or but once a month, or if they ` forbid all God's Publick Worlhip ( which yet Mahometans offer him tome ) it is ` Schifm not to obey. But if the Bilhop do but fay the word, we may meet daily without Schifm : ` and the Place, Perfon, Exercife that beforewas Schifmatical, if hedo but licence ' them, are prefently lawful. So that the Bilhop's word apainft the King's (yea, '.againft God's command to preach in feeler; andoat)canmake a thing Schifm,and his word can make it none again in, a moment. 17. Whetherit be Schifm to go to a better Minifter in another Parifh in the ' fame Diocefs, though wefeparate from no Church (in their fenfè , the Diocefan being the lowelt proper Church) is not well agreed on. Feigning Schifms is making Schuhn by turbulent noife and falleAcctifations. Wethat impofe on no Man, and that obey them in lawful things that we `for.Univerfal Loveand Peace, even with that meet in different Affemblies , and ' in differentForms ; we that hold Communion with all true Churches as afore- ' laid , and yet becaufe we canoe but in one place,at oncedo choofe theheft, obey- ' ing God's Command, L Let all things be done to edification] and knowing heft what edit eth our fèlves, we luppofe are farther from Schifm, than thofe that as from a the Throneof Authority pronounce Schifm, andnever help us to underftand the fenfeand-reafon of their words; but ufe it as for 'the advantage of their Caule e And as one lately,writeth,' Have led that Bearfo long about the ftreeta, oll the Boys ` lay by fear, anddl but laugh at it. Nor are there many more effeótual Caufes of ` Schifm, and that harden true Schifmaticksagainft,all Conviótion y then whenit is keen that Men of Contention, Pride,and Worldly Intereft,ftrft make the Schifm ` by finful or impof able terms of Uniry,and next falfly call the molt Innocent, that o- bey not their Domination, Schifmaticks, and the greatelt Duties ( evenPreach- ' ing where many and many thoufands have no Preaching, nor no Publick Worlhip of God) by the Name of Schifm, -as if we mull let London turn Heathens for fear ' ofbeing Schifmaticks. Dear Friend, though thefe things have thefeFortyyears hid my deep, and I hope impartial thoughts, and Idare not fora thoufand Worlds think to do otherwife than I do in the main, yet I !hall heartily thank you if by true light youhelp me to fee any Errour which I yet perceive not. And feeing Experience hath juftly taught you-to dread Anabaptifiry and Sepa- ' ration, think further, x. Whether they that forbid Parents to enter their Children ` intoCovenant with God inBaptifm, and lay all that Office on thole that have no ` power to covenant in their names, nor Thew any purpofe to perform what they promife , and deny BaptiSs, as aforefaid, to the Children of fuch as fubmit not to ` this and the Crofs, be not gúantum infe Deltroyers of Infant Baptifm (which is no ` Baptifm ifthere be no Covenant). z. (Again) Whether they be 'not Separatifts thatbothunChurch all theParith `Churches guanrum in fe, and alto deny Communion with else-filonconformifts ` Churches, as null or unlawful, even.when they had his jvlajelties Licence? Be im- ' partial againft Antipedobaptiffs and Separatifts. I conflantly heard andcommuni- ` cated.with the Parilh-Church where I lived; but the Conformills ufually fly from O . the