Baxter - BX5207 B3 A2 1696

1oó 4 P P E N D I X Numb, IV. e the NonconformiftsAffemblies as unlawful: but if both fides were heard in their e Charge againft the other , I know which would have the more to fay. Accept . e this freedom from theunfeigned Loveof May 13. 1626. Tour much obliged Friend, Rich.Baxter. The Inji ancec promifed you. I. Hen I was cart out at Kidelerrninfler, (and you know what a Ministerwas W there) I offered, whilethe Indulgence of the King's Declaration conti- nued, to havebeen the Reading Vicar ii Curate, and to have preached for nothing,' and could not prevail: I was by the Bilbop forbidden to preach in hisDiocds; and when I offered him to preach only Catechiftieal Prineiples to fome,poor Congre- gation that elfe mutt have none, he told me, 'It war better theybad none tbanrne. My pretence at ReddermeJter wasthought fo dangerous, that Force was afligned to have apprehend me,and had I flayed it¡tuft have been in the Jail,and, many another for my fake. When 1 was forced away,at 4enner's.Riling Iwrote but a Letter to my Mo Law, and it was way-laid , intercepted , opened, and lentup to theCourt, though there was nothing concerningthem in it, but fome Tharp Inveltives againft the Rebellion, which my Lord Chancellonr acknowledging, caufedmy LordMa; for perfonally to bring me back my Letter : fo that I durft not write to them of many years. My Neighbours I had petfwaded to do as you advife, to joyn'in the Publick Church, and help each other as private Men, and for fodoing, (repeating Sermons, and praying and tinging a Pfalm) manyof them lay long among Rogues in theCommon jail, and others ofthem impoverithedby Fines. II. When I carne to live at AsPon, I drew all the People:'conitantly to Church that were averle ; fometime I repeated the Parlons Sermon , and fometimes taught fach as came to myHoule, between the Sermons. When the Reverend Parton law them come intoChurch, he would fall upon them, ô'e. And not being able to bear my little Endeavours for their Inftru&ion, he caufed me to be lent to the Common Jail, (not one Wimefs or Perlon being fuffered to come into the Room while I was examined and committed.) III. I am nowin a Pariah where fome Neighbours fay that there are Fourfcore rhoufand Souls; firppofe they be fewer: Not above Two thoufand of all there can hear in the PariahChurch: fo that it's like above Sixty thoufand have no Church to go to,no not fo much as to hear theScripture or the CommonPrayer. Here Ineed not tell you what Prohibitions I have had, and what my Endeavours to teacha few Publickly, have loft me and others : And lately, becaufe one that preached for me did (without my knowledge) at the importunity of a Parent, Baptize a poor man's Child, when they told him it was in danger of death, the Curate of the Pariah came tomy Houle to expoftulate thematter : when yet many are baptized by Pa- gift Priefts, forwant ofothers to do it, as they fay. I never my fell Baptized a Child, or adminiftred the Sacrament of the Lord's Supper chele fifteen years, but ordinarily received it in the Pariah Church at Tatterridge, and elfewhere,(one of the firft times that I received it in private, a Bullet was 'hoc into the Room among us, and came near to the Heads of divers of us). 1 never gathered any Church from among them ; and yet have been dually the firft fought after to be imprifoned or ruined in each affault : and was put to Goods and Books tó fave them horn Diftrefs. Near me, in thefame Parillt, liveth Mr. Gabriel Sanger, the late Incum- bent Paftor of the Parilh, 'a Man of Age and Gravity, great Moderation and Peace- ablenef, and far from Factionor Turbulency ; who preacheth but to a few in his own Houle : And where Ihould he ufe his Miniftry, if not in fo vaft a Pariah where fo manyThoufands are untaught, and wherehe is not lure that his old relation is diffoived, though' the Tythesand Temple be given to another? One Mr. Gestee (that