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Numb.IV. 1I`TPENDIX I07 (that oft heard me) being lately dead, and his Widow lick, fhe fent for Mr. San- ger to vifit her, who after a (port Initru&ion prayed with her : while he warat Prayer, Dean Lampley the Parfon (or Vicar) of the Parifhcame in, and heard him at Prayer, Raying till he had done in an outer Room, and asfoon as he had done, as Mr.Sanger affirmeth, came in upon him, and fiercely askt him, What he did there? He told him, Nothing but what befeemed a Minifter of the Gofpel, to vi. fit theSick when he was font for. And to thefecund Expoltulation, toldhim, That he thought he fhould be thankful to him for helping him in inch a Parifh. To which the Door anfwered, That then he fhould have done it according to the Li- turgy : fiercely adding, Get you out of the Room. At whichwhen he demurred, he more fiercely took him by the break, and thrull him, and Paid, or you out of. the Room: which to avoid unpeaceablenefi he forthwith did. I faw notthis, butt think no Man thatknowethMr. Sanger will queftion the Truth of his deliberate Affirmation of it. Inwhat Parifh of England fhould a Man expe& leave to vifit the Sick, when tent for, rather than inSt. Martin..? From what Minifter in England fhould one ra- ther expe& leave than fromDr. Lampley, who hath fo many Thoulands more than he and his Curate and Lecturer can fuffice to teach and vifit? and who, I hear, is a very worthy Man, and a Teacher ofmore than ordinary diligence, and efpecially excelleth almoltall that I hear of in Conttancy in the needful Work of Catechifing, for which, though I know him not, I do much honour him. And what Minifter in England may expe& leave to vifit the Sick, or privately help the People , if not Mr. Sanger, who was lately the Publick Incumbent himfelf, and is aman as unlike- ly to Rir up any Man toEnvy or Wrath, as molt that ever I knew : I will not parallel my own Cafe with his : IfI be unworthy of filch liberty, might not filch as bebe tolerated fo far ? Thisbeing our Cafe, will you be the Man that (hall tell us aqd the world, that we fhould have kept our Reldence, and joyned With the fucceeding Mini ters in private helps, and howwell we and Religion had then fped, as if you had not li- ved in England? to make Men think that the Parifh Mini ters are willing of this. Yet I will again fay , Neceffity is laid upon me, and wo be to me if I preach not the Gofpel, though Men forbid ir. And if I either give but to one poor Man,, when I might give toa thoufand, or teach but one ignorant Sinner, when I might teach a thouland, how Ihall I look my Judge in the Face, who gave me that terrible warning, zTim. q, r, z. as well as Mattb. zy. And did I think that ever you would have been one that fhould publickly have perfwaded us to this. When it is the grand Work of Satan to Silence the Preachers of the Gofpel, and the great Charaeter of all forts of his Agents ( one way or other, on their vari= ous pretences) to effeet it: Papifts would filence me: Prelatilts would filence me :, Quakers, Anabaptifts, Antinomians and Separatilts would thence me! and would mydear and judiciousand experienced Friends filencemealfo ! Alas , how many Difficulties have we to overcome ! while our weary Flefh, and too cold Love, and the Relicks of Sloth and Selflfhnefs, which loved: not a laborious fulfering Life, Both hinder us more than all the reft. But the Judge is at the Door. Te Mr. W. Allen. Number