1o8 APPENDIX. 1\Tumb, Vo Number V. srR, I Find that in a Book of yours; defending Schien againft Mr. Haiai, on pre. tence of oppofing it, you were pleafed to think many Peffages in my Wri- t tings worthy of your Recital to your ends : I thankyou that you chofeany 'Words for Peace,' 'which fome may make a better ufè of thanyour felf: But I ' think ifyou had referred Men to my own Books to read them with what- goeth sbefore and after, they would have been more eafily underftood. I uoderftarid by your Book that you think that you are in the Right ; which is the molt that have ' yetlearnedoutof it, tmlefs it be alto that you think the Nonconformil be tickyet ' hated and aii&ed enough; or that he thatfiueareth,muft afcend by treadiiinipott ' him that feareth an Oath.^ I am in fome doubt lea& you have wron'god'our ' Prelacy by fo openly proclaiming the Enmity of fo great a Man as Ha1wtaainft ' them, and byenticing Menby your Noife to read his Book which 'yosfiënntra- ' di& ; which iftheydo, I doubt your Confutation will not fave them 'fret*-the '"Light. But theReafon of my troubling you with their Lines, is only'to'rrave fome Satisfa&ionabout two orthree Matters of Fait inyour Bock, whiehvóuld 'Item ftrange to me, did I not find Inch- things too common in Irrveftives ' againft the fìlenced Minifters, and did I- not know that is part of Saran's Work 'to- perfuade the 'World that no 'Hitlory hash any certainty of Truth, that fo fa- ' cred Hiftory may be difadvantaged. ' 1. One is in there Words, p. to a . When they had in the god Debate given in-their ' Objeilions to the Liturgy, fame oftheBrotherhood hadprepared another Form, bat agreat ' part of their Brethren elicited many things againfl that; andnewer as yet did (47bear ' oof) agree neon any other, nor I think ever usid: 1 crave the fuftice of- you to tell'us; ' which was thatyou call the Grand Debate, and who thole. were that diffented b ' or what Proof yOu have of any fuçh thing: Either you knew what youfaÿ,òo ' not: If not, and publifh it irífuth a manner; Prhile'you are accufingotheis of Sin? '-What-is this to be called if you did, it is yyet' faé worfe neither you ij$,4fk of the 'Weflminfler Affembly, which made the Direetory, or of the Commillìöisets'iri ' 166o. Not the firft-lure, for none, Lthink, was yet ever vain enough to pirtend t that they thus drew tip another Liturgy. It mull needs then be the latter; Of ,, which this is pall denyal by any but the ,re'i '' i. That the Kings Còmeiillïon under the BtoadSeal authorizing to'thake ' fome [Additional Forme,. ` a. The lateArchbilhop ofCantcrbns, Pe. Sheldon, .whenwe tame according=to appointment io' y by Friendly 4Onferente, -What Alteratiönseae&Pa ihight yield rofor ottr ?1ffi,edConcert!,'w kolff'OsY injury totheirotonMenuesi began ' with a Dec ''that we brag the Pláinnf{§ ,they weitt`kl3ofáèthá4rpetieted tdrtreatwrf.us,5tillWethad given them in"eatit'elyin=Wiliiir 5'él Winitaft4Al6- med in theLimrgy, and our Reafons of it. 2. And what we defred as better. '.Mr. Calanty and others laid, [This was plainly to deny the Conference which we were commifíioned for] and they would there havebrokeloll;'lhadit Ott been for me who requefted them rather to yieldand undertake ir, than give them occafion ' to charge us with Tergiverfation and Refufal of any lawful thing ; though I eafily ' faw that the Motioner thought thereby to break us as difagreeing when we carne ' to perform the Undertaking : While others drew up their Exceptionsagainft the 'Liturgy, they appointed me to draw up the Additional Forts : But remembring ' the Bishops Words [What we skims' inflead] I drew up a Liturgy. It mutt needs 'be very imperfe&, being done-(in neceffary hafte) in Eight Days : Dr. Reignolds onl thou ht that we Ihould be blamed for offering a whole Liturgy initeadof c ripgrltr,] I told him, i. Isw)ut to be added to the old if reformed. a. nr they might cut off allthat MO-- thought fupertluons upon debates, even ' all that the hilltops ihould except juftly againft ; for we did but offer it to them, ' profeßîng we were ready to alter any thing upon their Beafons :. Hereupon ' Dr. Reignalds yielded, and it was oft read oveimong us, only the Prayer for the ' King being thought too long, Dr. Wallis wad appointed D "draw up a Ihorter ; ' which hedid, all the refs handing as I wrote it t Ir was agreed to without one ' diffentingVote; nor had we one Obje&ion fens us in by any other. I was alp- ' pointed at a meeting with the,Billaops at the Savoy, at once to deliver them . ' them