Baxter - BX5207 B3 A2 1696

Numb. V. iIPP. E ND I X. 1.©p ' them this Liturgy, A Reply to tbeir Atlfwarto ourException, and A Petition for Peace ' and Concord, all which they had appointed nie to draw up, and had examined ' and contented to. We waited for an Anfwer to all, and never had an Aofwerto t any one of them ; but theykept them and faid nothing of them t I wasefpech t allydefrous to have heardtheir Exceptionsagainft ourLiturgy(when they thought ' we would have difagreed among our felves) and urged tome of them to it, and ' could never get a Word of Anfwer, or Exception, which mademe wonder, as ' well knowing I. $Ow very willingTome were to have found it faulty. z. And e. how hard it is ceffitated hafte to write loch a `thing that (hall lsot be liable to `many Except Yea, when Roger L'Strange after wrote again] us, hefaith lit, ' de at all agar t Liturgy, fate that we left Men at toomuchLiberty ; towhich r we then raid,' That impaling and reilraining was not our work, but the Billions, ' who we fuppofedupon Debate, wouldhave toonssr istone.:it.:.,ds ow.if: this All ' Concord, andno Attffver or Exception' Mont themthat ,extorted this. Work from us, ' be agreeable to the Report you make, or if you have dealtbore like a Minilterof ' Truth, I.prayyou help me to difcern it. The Book with thereft was printedlong "ago, molt of them byTomepoor:Scriviners, that being ifed in tránfcribiag, had ' got a Copy, and did it for Gain... t Il. Another-Palfage is P. 293. Nofnful AH beintfeliiired tomake mintIIerial Con- ' fortuityunlawful, [which if there. badbear, they orfowe'othent wouldaend night to have ' difeovered it, and then, I doubt not, it wouldby Authority have betriiakea sway,. but ' that being not done]. 'Here Idefire you to:'fatisfyantina.. few things :.e. When as'eti our PublickRe- ' ply and forefaid Petition, again(} The oklConforsnity were never anfwered to 'this Day, is it ingenuous to cake this fora Confutation, barelythus to fey [it at 'cot. done] fisould flay. [-it was neveryet lifeovered that Ep:fcopaçy ss (awful ,1 would . ' you not have called me,=---as long asSamuel, Billon, Hooker, tire;. are,unanfwered ? s z. Do younot knowwhatabundance of old have thought they tlifeovered the . ' finfulnefs of Conformity (Bradfhaw, Nicolas, Ames; Parker, Jacob, Cartwright, ,, ' &c.) and what Alouadel,"Salmafrtu, Getfow,. BM' , Didaclave, &c. have written againft Prelacy, and tome of late againft . ouriLonformity, (Cawdry, FBckm,m, ' and others, yet unanfwered) And is this your dry. Denyal a rational Gonfi ' tenon?. >, 3. Would not your Words make the ignorant believe that we hav%the Liberty ' of the Phek, and may;do it if wewill t anddo not, the Adt of Padi imeno, and ' the fevere SearchdSof dhe'Prefs,: and the:PrintersRefuf$ thewhow Jaffe (uch an ' Intimation is : It maybe Come fmall.Pamphlet may, with much a do creep out; 'but ib cannot any thing_that is fullhad fatisfagtory: ,Que Caufe is a meer Stranger 'roour Accitfers; (it kerns even to fithlas,ybu) becau(e,we cannot have leave to ' -print it : A few have heretofore when the d'atriowas tefi drift gotJotnevihat out, ' to littlepurpofe (Mr. Hick vans was beyond fea) :. ; But, notbiisg .. that may make '.uswell ünderlfood.. And fit work thus Miniffer to blame, Men thus Pubes f lickly for not doing Inpoffibflitfes <u - t. ' 4. lt'muftbe fitppofedthac you !Mew theft thingss,' r. That thé Law forbids us 'to deprave-or fpeak Igafnft the Liturgyaìpon,grievous.Penalties. z. That. the Ca. ' non excommunicateth us epja faln, that - psy.ftnes&crnsaïa Ju,loaa, if we do but fay ' that there is any thingthat a Matt:rraay toeweitha good Conluience conformrso, 3. And that our prefentGovernors-ate"iegeinft it. 4. And that for doing it we ' are fine by Conformifls to be calletf alifpbedilet to Authority, and Seditious. %. ' And thatwe are fo acculld by ysar:dommonly for Prebching when forbidden, ' which is as touch our. vowed Duty:futecai Writing. And do younow'tell us that weought to'difeover it if these be any fnful Asit Commanded:- ,Will you warrant us 'againit the Charge of Ditobedience, òr do you chiveSrson that, which if we do, ' you know we are aireadyvjedged toexcommunicatedJailes and Roiue. We have 'long beg'd of Parliartlent men that we might but once have leave to fpeak, for t our felves '(which we never yet had as to the new Conformity to this Day); and ` yet we might petition for filch leave; and they tell us theft FifteenYears almoft, "there is no hope, it will but ruine you. -I have .offered two of the molt eminent r Billions to beg it of them or any on my Knees, that we might but once publifh ' theCafe and Realons of our diffent. And is it not enough to be Fifteen or Six.. 'teen Years'ejebted, fslenced, (corned, accufed, as unworthy to be endured; and 'to be 'filently.,Patient, and never anfwer for our felves, nor .liaye the :common ' Juf}ice of being heard, but we mutt have the additional Abufe, to be told that ' we