Baxter - BX5207 B3 A2 1696

xto A P P E N D I X . Numb. V. we oughtto do it : Yea, many of the Conformifts (O, with what a Face!) have ' publilhed to the World, that we take not the things which we refute for Sins; or dare not fay fo of them ; when even the far ealyer Conformity 1660. We did by Word and Writing declareto be ftnful, and in our Petition for Peace ( Printed ) ' protefted that did we not take it to be finful, and hazarding our Souls, &o. We ' Ihould never have flack at Conformity to them. And it is no fmall Number of ' Sins fo heinous which we fuppofe fine impofed, that we dare not fo much as name -them, leaft we difpleafe you and make you fay that we render the Con- formiftsfuch heinous Sinners ! But I will alledge your Authority whenany of us are next blamed for difcovering the heinous Sinfulnefs of Conformity, as we yet ` believe it wouldbe to us. If you fay that the Licenfers would licence our Writings, if we did it withSo- ' briety t. You know thatthe Canon and Law is againft it. a. I [hall then in Jufticechallenge you to make it good, and here promife youan account of my Nonconformtiy wheneveryou will procure it Iicenfed. 6, And which way got you lò ftrong a Faith as to be part doubt that did we dif- ` cover anyfinfednef, it would by Authority have been takenaway.] Make this true yet (after neerTwo Thoufand Minifters have been neer Sixteen Years ejeótedand fi- e lenced, and many killed by Imprifònment, and the People of the Land divided 'anddiftraéted by the training Engines) aiid you Ihall- have the Honour of being ' thégreateft healer of our Breaches, that ever rofe in the Days of my Remem- brance : But ifit be not true-. ` III. The ThirdPaffage is p. b9, 70. throughout; Thefe are great things to be ' fpoken fo boldly : Y . Do you luppolé your Reader one that never read Church- ' Hiltory ? What Work the Bifhops made for Arrianifm` for Neparianifm, for the ' Eutycbians, and Acepbalites, againft Nazianzen, Chryfoflom, é 'c. for the Monotbe- y about the trià Capitulafor Images, againft Emperors and Kings, fetting up the ` Pope, and decreed the Depofition of all Princes that obey him nor, and making ` Loyalty to be Herefu Hertriciana a. How the River Orante at-Antioch hash been co- loured with theBlood, and the Gravesof theMonks and People thatfought it out ' in the Streets for the feveral Bifhops, what work they made at the firlt Council ' at Confiance,' the firBand the fecondof Epbefua, the Council at Calcedon, and many, another? How manyAges theywere, and yet are the Army of the Pope, tofub- ' due Princesand Nations, Truth and Juftice, and fet up the Evil that now reign- eethin the Chriftian World. How even againfi the Popes Will, they made the belt King and Emperor, Ludovico, Pins, as. a Pennince, refign his Crown and ` Scepter on the Altar, to a Rebel Soh, and Pent him tet Prifon. He that ever read ' but Baronies, Bienios, or-other Epifcopel Hiftorywill pity you, can you nameone Presbyter for very many Bifhops that have been the Heads or Fomenters of Herele, Schifm, or Rebellion ? and yet Presbyters were more in Number than Bifhops ? Innumerable Bifhops faith,Binnior, were in the Monotbelite Council under ' Pbilipícus. Of all things that ever befel the Càrifdiann Church, I fcarce 'know any ' thing comparable inShame and Mifchievous Effelts, to the horrid perfideoufnelsl 'Contention, Schifm and Prideof Bifhot's; Curling one Year by Hundreds all that ' were of one. Opinion and another Year all that were of the contrary, as the ' times and Interelt, and Bmperòrchanged. And if Arita or Novatos, Aeries and Donates ( which are all you name were the Beginners of any Schifm, how many hundred Bifhops were the Promoters of them all, fave that ofAeries againft them- '{elves.. And is it any honour to Epifcopacy that Arita , and Aerials ( anArian ) were not Bifhops when theywere faid tobe Seekers of Bilhopricks, and to divide becaufe they couldnot obtain them. Sure they were PrelaticalPresbyters : what ' honour were it to Epifcopacy that you are noBithop, ifall thefe, and fuçh things, ' were vended by you in hope of a Btthoprick or force Preferment. I will never wbilf? I breathe haft a Presbyter: that fern bimfelf toget Preferment, no more. than I will `troll a- But did you know, ordid you not , that as for Novatos and Naomi- ' an,' one of themwas an ill-chofen Bithop-of Rome, and the other a Promoter of his Prelacy ? and that as forDonator therewere two of them, one of thema Bi- Chop ; andthat theDonatills Schifm was meerly and barely Prelatical, even whe- ' ther their Bilhop or Cecilianin fhould carry it? and that their Re-baptizing and 'Reordaining and Schifm was becaufe they tooknone to have power that had it not from their Bifhop,as being their right, (like our Reordainers). And are chafe Infiances to prove what you affert ? 'Were