Baxter - BX5207 B3 A2 1696

Numb. VI. ./11)P ENV IX. III Were it not for entring upon an unpleafing and unprofitable Task, 1 would ask, you, Jr. Who that 3101Et0 of Presbyterswas that dethroned the King? was it they that petitionedand protefledagainR it ? a. Whether it was not an Epifcopal Parliament (,forty to one, Snot an hundred) that began the War "againR the King ? g. Whether the General and Commanders of the Army, twenty to one, were not Conformifts? q. Whether the Major Generals in the Countries wera ' not almoR all Epifcopal Conformifts ? (The Earl of Stamford was over your Country ). q. Whether the Admiral and Sea-Captains were not . al- ' molt all Epifcopal Conformifts ? (As Heylin diffinguifheth them of Archbifhop Abbot; mind, (iifliking Arminianifm, Monopolies, &v.) 6. Whether the Arch- ' bilhop of York were not the Parliaments Major General? 7. Whether the Epic ' copal Gentry did not more of them take the Engagement ( and many Epifcopal Miniflers) than the Presbyterians? 8. Whether if this Parliament, which made ' the Aáts of Uniformity and Conventicles, fhould quarrelwith the King, it would prove them tobe Presbyterians and Nonconformilts ? g. Whether the Presbyte- rian Minitleri of Landon andLastrafhite didnot Write more againR the Regicides and Ufurpers, and declare again[t them, than all the Conformifts, or as much? e And the Long Parliament was forced, and molt ofthem caft out before the King could be dettroyed : And when theywere reftored, it made way for his Reftora- ` Lion. And SirThomas Allen, Lord Mayor, and the City of Lando, inviting Ge- ` sacral Monk from the Rump into the City, and joyning with him , was the very Day that turned the Scales for the King. But all theft are Matters fitter for your better Confederation than our Debate. i rei Jaly26. t678. Tour Servant To Mr. Long ofExeter. Rich. Baxter Numb. VI. ARef lution o f this Cafe ; What's tó be done when the Lan, ofthe Land commands Perfons to go to their Pari/hChurch, and Parents require to go to private Meetings. Quei. T HE Law ofthe Land eammandetb me togo to the niblick Churches ; the Canon commandetb me to go to myown Parifh-Cburcb , and not to another ?drip; : Both forbidme to go to Conventicle; and PleatedPreacher;. MyFather andMather forbid me to go to the Publrck Churches, andcommand me to go confantly to a fileneèd Mi- nfer in Meeting;forbidden bÿ the Law t Butffecially not togo to my Parifh Priefi, (laying be is an infuicient anddrunken Railer) but rö a Neighbour Purifia, ifI will not obey their fir[ Command ! Am 1 now bound to obey my Parent;, or the Law, andCanon? Anfw. it is an hard Task to a Minifler of Chrif, either fo to praetice or Co to fpeak, as !hall Teem to accufehis.Rulers and the Laws ; but when the fàving of our own or other Mens Souls requireth it, there is no remedy. Our own silence, ifwe ceafedPreaching, and our praílice contrary to the ,Law its Preaching or Praying, which is forbidden, doagainR our wills unavoidably intimate that we fuppofe great fins to be commanded us : And whetherwe preach or be filent, while we Sabferibe nat, Declare not, Covenantnot, and Swear not, and Pralhice nor, all that is required of n;, this cannot behid : Though our cauteloufnefs and fear of accusing our Gorier- raoursor the Conforming Minifters, have given Come Men occasion to, affirm, That we take not Conformity for a fin : or that no confiderable perfns among Mr dare fayfo (we filare the Authors, whofe publifhed Names are dithonoured by themfelvesr when prefixed to fuch wards, as he that will but read oar Petition for Peace, and our Reply (unanfwered) delivered to the commillionedBlimps 166o. will fay .did ill befeem a Debtor, a Preacher, a Chriftian, or a Man). Weprofefs from the fir* to this day, that it is a great fin in us toforbear our Miniftry, or to exercife it in a forbidden manner; efpecially when fuch doleful Divisions and Calamities follow it, it it be not fm, that is requiredof us : and if it be not, many andheinous fina, our peace in faffer- ing will have famelets reafoq to that, than we have thought it had. There-