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Numb.Vd. APPENDIX ii¡ with ad longfuffering and doctrine. I Theft: z. rs, 16. Who both killed the Lord féfus' and their own Prophets, and havepertcited to ; and they pleafe not Gad , and are tcontrary to all risen, forbidding us to lfieak to the Gentiles that they might be faved tofill up their ,stns always, for the wrath ee come upon them to the uttermeff. When they perfecutepis; one City flee to another.--Shake off the duff ofyour feet againfl them. It (hallbémore tole tablefarSodom andGomorrah in the Day offudgntent than for that City, Match. I0.14, 15. and 23.22. VI. God hath fet up more Governments in the World than one , and each hath its proper works and bounds ; and one may not deftroy the other. There is private Self-Government, Family - Government, Church-Government, and Civil-Government: each have their proper End: alfo, though all have one. common End , the pleating of God. The Ring in his manner and meafureand to bra Ends (the Publick.Good) is the Ruler . of all'Perfons, all Families, all Paftors and Churches, all Phyfrcians, School-mafners,- &c. that is to fee all thefedo their own duty ; but not to take their Work froni them upon himfelf; not to take all Men from Self - government of their Tongues,Paffions, A&ions: not to take on him the part of Parents, Paftors, ere. And no Princes Laws will acquit a Man before God from his Duty in any of thefe Relations while he is in then. VI. God bath much conjoyncd Interefl and Duty: No Man is fo touch concern- ed, whether I bePaved or damned, as 1 am myPelf : And therefore my own Choice and Self-government is firft and chiefly to be ufed for the Caving of myown Soul, with- out which no Man elfe can fave me. Therefore I am more concerned than any Ma- giftrate is, to the Counfel and Condu&of what Pallor I Commit my Soul, and I have the nearefl andfill power in the Choice. There is great Controverfie in the World, Whether Subje&s have a Propriety in their Effares, which is not at the will ofPrinces? And it is commonly affirmed, That Propriety is antirelent to Regimenta which is but to order it for common good, and not to deltroyit. But I had ra- ther quit my Claim to Propriety in all my Worldly Eaate, than of my Salvation, or the neoejary means thereto. If the Law commanded me but to ufe a Phyician that I thought unskilful in my Difeafe,and his Medicines pernicious,I would choofe a better if I could, though the King and Laws forbadme, and I would refute the obtruded Phyfcian and his Medicine : fo I would do if they commanded me to marry an utterly unfuitable Wife: And I Ihould judge that as thefe matters are more my lnterefl than theirs, fo they belong to my Se fgoverning power,, and not to their Civil Government. And next my felt, while I am young, my Parents being na -. turally indued with flronger love to me, than Magiftrates are, the Choice in fach Cafes more belongeth to their power than to the-Magiarates. VII. Accordingly it was for Seven hundred, if not a Thoufandyears, the cur- rant Judgment of the Chriftian Churches, that a Bilhop mull be fet over a particu- lar Church, by the Election or Content of all theClergy and all the People, and that he was no jufil/ called Bifhop that carne not in by the common confect of the Flock : This is nor only proved in the ancienteft Writers, even Clemens ad Corinth, and others commonly > but by many Canons, and even the Popes Decretals, for many hun- dred years, and the contrary is an undoubted Innovation. VIII. It is certain that neither Civil nor Eccleiallical Rulers have their Powerfor elejirublion, but for edification, z Cor, to. 8. and r3. Io. Rom. t3. I, z, 3,4., ;Even Parents that give life and beingto their Children, are ;Italy deftroyed if they de- ftroy them. It is no fingularity of Mr. Humphrey , that bath lately written., That Laws again the Common Good bind not in Confcience to Obedience: It. is the, Judgmentof the greaten Cafuifls; Greg, Sayrns, Fragofisa, &c. in whom yoíi. may lee many others : `The terminusentereth the definitionof relations. It is not Au- thority (`tun regendi) which is not for the Ends of Government, the Common Good. The Magiftrate may order the preachingof the Gofpel , and other r,means of Salvation; but not forbid them, and deftroy them. If he do this, it is not by Authority received fromGod; as Bilhop Bilfon afore-cited often lheweth, and Bi- fhop Andrews in Torturi Torti. 1 have more power from God to ufe needful means of my own Salvation, than any Man bath to forbid me the ding. 'of them. IX. It