Baxter - BX5207 B3 A2 1696

116 APPENDIX. Numb.VTe blies, as well as he that feparateth from commanded ones (by men). And if God com- mand Love and Communion of all Chriftians, as they have occaion, as being one Bread and one Body, what God commandeth and conjoyneth, no Man may for- bid or put afunder. Therefore I conceive you owe Obedience to both the pofttive Commands, but to neither ofthe general Prohibitions of Communion. XX. Butyou cannot obey both at once: I anfwer ; Obey both as far as you can; and Obey neither when it tendeth to your deftra Lion. If Parents bid you joyn with Hereticks or Rebels, obey them not. Ifothers bid you commit the Paftoral Care of your Souls to intolerable Men, obey them not. But where formal Obedi- ence ceafeth, Prudence muffdire& youabout material Obedience. It is Obedience When we do it in Confcienceto the Authority : It is Prudence when wegather our Duty from theEnd. Avoid that molt that bringeth the molt intolerable Confe- quents, and prefer that which tendeth to the grearelt Good. Some dwell where there is no Competition, all the Miniftersbeing only of one way : Somewhen the ill Confequents are moreon one fide, and tome where they are more on the other. And Rituals give place to Morals Go learnwhat that meaneth, I will have mercy and not facrifce. You fhall anfwer for your own Souls : NeitherParents norPrinces have an abfoluteor a deftroying Power over them, nor any that divefleth ou of the Charge or Government of your felves. Prudence therefore in filch Cafes muff look to Order, to PubJck Good, and to your own Edification, and preferve all as far as you are able ; and Godwill' accept you if you do your belt, though interefs'dFa&ions be offended with you. XXI. It is a great Doubt among Cafuills. Whether ant-when the Breachof Hu; mane Laws obligeMen toanyother than Humane Penalties ? So far as God is of- fended and his Law broken by the breachof Mans, fo far Punilhment from God alto is deferved; but no further. And a Council at Teletamhath an exprefs Ca. non, that left Subje&s by the Churches Laws fhould have their Souls enioared in Guilt towardsGod, it is declared that their Provincial Canons bind only adprenam, non ad cùlpam, tobear the Penalty, 'but not to conclude menSinners. TheExpref- fonswant skill, but the Meaning ismanifeft. XXII. The Perlons belief that an evil Courfe is lawful, maketh it not lawful to him : The effé is before thefaire : If God's Law have forbidden or commanded; Man's Errour may enfnare himfelf in fin , but cannot change the Law of God. XXIII. Some that I love and honour, that have heretofore been enfnared in A- nabaptiftry and Separation, in the fenfoof their Errour (as is ufual) warp to the contrary Extream, and fear not the dreadful guilt' of perfwading Cltre's faithful kb- sifters to lay by the SacredOffice which'they are devoted to ; yea , and would blind oea to believe there is no need, fave only to fpeak to particular perlen, privately ; whereby they fhould be ayear in (peaking to thole whom they may (peak to in an hoar, and few beable to do it, and perhaps be thruft out with wrathby the Parifh Mini= Bets, as creeping into Heafes tq(educe filly women, or reproached and fufpe&ed for k. They fay truly, that he that hath gone their former. way ofunjuft Separation, is like one tharin travel teeth here a Legand their an Arm lye in his way, and therefore Mould fear to go on in danger. But I tell them further, he that readethChurch Ri- flery and Councils, what workChurch Tyranny and /lrizing to be greatefi, bath made with Kings and Kingdoms, Churches and Families, and the Blood of an hundred thoufand Chriftians, for about a thoufanrl years at leaft, is like one that in his tra- vel Teeth here a hundredCarkaffes, and there an hundred, and there a Bream of Blood, and there a City ruined, and there a good King fitrrendring his Crown as an All ofPenance (asLadovicusPius did), and there the Streets covered with the Blood and Carkaffes of Monks and others, and then call into theRivers,bythe wars and broils ofcontending Bithops (as at Antioch, 8cc) and if this Man will go on, he overcometh another kindof warning than [bere aLeg and there an Arm ]. Read but theHiftory throughly, and judge. But what will not Ignorance make menfay? XXIV. Some think that ifSacramental Communion only were left free,it would alone heal moll ofour Engliih differences. I confefs, I that think Men may be for- ced to hear and be catechized , do think the great Priviledges of Sacramental Communion, anda fealed Pardon, fhould be given to none by Cramming , or as a Drench;