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122 .11" P PENDIX Numb.VIII. ftrated our hopes. On which Bithop Gunning Pent Dr. Crowther to invite use to a Conference ; and our Debate three days was , Which is the true way of Univerfal Concord ? which he maintained to be by Obedience to the Legißative and yadicial Go- verning of the Collage of Pears. I drew up the Sum in three Letters tohim, main- taining Univerfal Communion, but denying all Forreign7urifdittion, and the poffibili- ty of one Humane Soveraignty, Monarchical or Ariftocratical, overall Kings andChurebes and all the World. XV. After and under all this Difcourfe, Pulpits and Preis, by Men not to be defpifed, openly accufed us as Contriving and Defigning a Rebellion,by continuing Non- canformifds when we had nothingto fay for rt. So that slow our Silence paft almoft in- to aTeeming Confeffion ofan intendedRebellion. Now I ,appeal to Reafon and Confcience,_eh Chriflianity and Humanity, Whether all thefe Calls of Kings and Bilhops, Friends and Accufers, juftifie not a Serious Account of our Cafe , after Fòuiteen or Seventeen Years accufed Si- lence. XVI. Yet after all this I darfl not, I did not write either any yuftifioation ofour Scruples, or any Reafono to prove the impofitionc finful (lave that I gave the Reafons for our not ceafrng to preach , and againfl a fpurious fort of Diocefanes of force In- növators Defcriptiou) But only barely namedde faDo, what it was that we feared as fin, protefling over and over not to accula the Law or the Conformills. XVII. And that which on all slide Provocations I have done in many Books, is but thefe two things : 1. To beg for Concord, and prove, and it never was nor will be had, by forcing all to profefs content to numerous, dubious, unneceffary Things, but only on Terms few, plain , ;and neceffary,.in which all found Chtillians are agreed. x. To begfor mercy (not fo much ro many hundred fuffering Minihers, andma- ny Thoufand;diffentinggodlyChrifians (fach as no Nation under Heaven, out of his Majefty's;Dominion, hathbetter that I can hear of), 'but fpecially for many fcore thoutand needy, ignorant, untaught Souls: For I'wröte With refpebf , a. To the Cafe of the whole Land, before I knew that Seven thoufand of the former In- cumbents would flay in. 2. To the Cafe ofLondon in the dreadful Plague, when in- feEtedMen cried for help, and had no Teachers, the Paftors being tied , and the Noncontormilis prohibited : And about a dozen that ventured ( and as Groghead fpake, obediently difobeyed) taw wondrous Succef of their Labours in the Penitence of the affrightedhumbled Crowds. ;., To the Cafe of the Fire that the next year burnt City andChurches, and many years but few Capacious Tabernacles were built, fo that Publick Worlhip moftly ceafed; And hundred Thoufands of undone Per- lons Mould then have had fpecial Comfort and Counfei: But the Nonconformills were forbidden flill. q.. I had fpecial refpeéh to the Cafe of Great Parifbes, filch as Martins, Giles, Stepney, and many more , where Ten , Twenty, Forty thoufand perfons haveno room in their Parilh Churches, and Mahometans ufe fume Publick Worlhip). And what Ihall all thefe Perkins do ? who by Cullom excufed by Ne- ceflìty, grow to live willingly like Athëifts. In my Poverty I built a Tabernacle in Martins Parini, and though I have the 'Billions Licenle to preach in London Dio- cefs, I could not be fuffered to ufe it, though I would have had the Liturgy there tiled : And I thankfully andgladly accepted of Dr. Lloyd's Confent to take it for the Parilh ufe. q. I never beg'd leave for any to preach, but loyal, found, peace- able Men; and that only where there was plain Necellity, and for nothingof Sala- ry, and only under Government and Laws of Peace. And I thank God that all the Pallions, Provocations, Temptations and Trials that have rifen, have drawn to Plots, or Rebellion,.. or Difloyalty, no one Perlon that I can hear of, of all thofe that I was acquainted with, and for whom I then beg'd for Liberty and Mercy. And molt of them are gone out of a Malignant World , to their Everlafling Reif. XVIII. The contrary-minded, while they cried down Divifion as well as I, left us but thefe three impollible ways to cure them. r. Tomake all Men and Women fo much wifer than daemfIves, as to know all `their Thingscalled Lawful to be fo indeed : (when we can get too few to,underlland their Catechifm). a. Or