12¢ AP P ENDIX. Numb.VÏÌI. tinder words. Thirdly, That an odd [trained word is not to be taken contrary to theAuthor's Declaration of his Judgment in many whole Copious Volumes; loch as I have written againR Difloyalty and Schifm. XXIL Almof all themoffapproved Writers fpeak far more lharply without Se- dition. The words of Nazianzen, Eafebites, Cbryfeflam, Hillary, Sabvian, and ma. ny Fathers: the words ofPetrarcb,. Clemangis, Alvarra Pelagius, Erafmur, Janfenisr, Glanday. Grotius, jewel, Bilfon, I am ready to cite, far more sharply fpeaking of the SinsofCivil and ChurchRulers than ever I did : befides filch as Gildar, Groj. brad, ßc. XXIII By fuch Acculera meafures I am condemnable if I fay but the dprd's Prayer, or the Common Prayer when I am commanded. ` They may fay that I ac- cure the Church, when Ifay, that [ we bane left undone the things that we ought to have done, and done the things that we ought not to have done ; and there is ` nohealth in ns.] And that I mean Rulers, when I fay [Deliver us from Evil . and [ Forgive our Enemies, Perfecutors, and Slanderers, and turn their Hearts' and [From our Enemiesdefend us, O Chrift ; Gracioufly look upon our Af- fliétions : That we thy Servants being hurt by no Perfecution, may evermore `ô'c. That God will defend us in all the Affaults of Our Enemies; That the. E- vils which the Craft or Subtilty of the Devil or Man worketh againff us be I brought to nought]. If at the Sacrament a Minifter fay, [ If any be a hinderer ' of God's Word Repent, orcome not to thisHoly Table, left the Devil en. ` ter intoyou as he did into yudae, and fill you full of all Iniquities, and bring you to Dellruâionof Body and Soul]. What Remedy have 1, if any will fay that I mean Rulers by thefe words as Silencers and Perfecutors ? Yea, or when I read all the dreadful Paffages againR Perfecutorsin the Gofpel. There is bound up withour Biblesand Liturgies a Prayer for Families, which faith, [ `Confound Satan ` and Antichril, withall Hirelings andPapifts whom thou haft already call, off ` into a reprobatefenfe, that they may not by Sects, Schifms, Heretics, and Errours difquiet thy little Flock. And becaufe, OLord, we be fall'n into the latter days ` anddangerous times, wherein Ignorance bath got the upper hand , andSatan byt his Miniftersfeeks by all means toquench the.Light of thy Gofpel, we befeech `thee to maidtain thy Caufe againithofe ravening Wolves, and ftrengthen all thy ` Servantswhom they keep in Prifon andBondage. Let not thy Lòng-Coffering be ` an occafion to increafe their Tyranny, or to difcourage thy Children, etc.]. The Homilies havemany Paffages liableto hard Interpretations.Theufeof noneof thefe is Sedition. XXIV. From r6ço. to 1660. I had ControverSes by Maanufcript with fame great Doctors that took up with Dr. Hammond's and Petavials new fingular way of Pleading for Epifcopacy, which utterly betrayed it. They held that in Scripture time all called Presbyters were Diocefan Bishops, and that there was no filch thing as our Strbjeet Presbyters, aad yet that every Congregation had a Diocefan Billion, and that it was no Church that had not fuch a Bithop, and that there are no more Churches thanthere are filch Bithops : And fo when Dioceffes were enlarged as ours, the. Parifhes were na Churches, for no Bishop had more than one : And that Subject Presbyters are fine made, and are but Curates that have no more power than the Bittop pleafeth to give them. Dr. Hammond in his Vin- dication faith, Thatasfar as-heknoweth, all that ownedthe fame Caufe with him againR the Presbyterians, were come tobe of his mind herein. And we know not offour Bithops then in England.. And the Et camera Oath and Canons of 1640. and the Writers that nullified the Reformed Churches Ordination and Mi- niftry, and pleaded for a Forreign EcclefiafticalJurifdidtion, and for our Re-ordi- nation, all looking the fame way, I thought they knew the Judgment of the few remainingBithops better than I did, and fometime called it , The judgment of the prefenr.Church here, that is, of thefe Church-men , and the Englifh Diocefans: but proved that the Laws and Doetrineftillowned as the Churches was contrary to them, and took theParilhes for true Churches, and the Incumbents true Paftors, and the Diocefans to be over many Churches, and not one alone: whereas the Men that I gainfayed overthrew the whole SacredMiniftry among us, and all our Churches as pf Divine Infiitution : for our Presbyters , they fay , were not in Scripture titewes: OurParifhes are no Churchesfor want of Bithops : our Diocefans are noSucceffors of fuck Apoftolick Menas were over many Churches, ours ha- ving