Baxter - BX5207 B3 A2 1696

Numb.IX. AP P END IX. Numb. IX. An AEI for Concord by Reforming Parifh Churches , and Regulating Toleration Of DISSENTERS. r27 i. H E Qualification requifiteto Baptifm in the Adult for themfelves and in one Parent at leaf} or Pro -Parents for Infants, is , Their nder- f6anding Confnt to the Baptifmal Covenant , in which they are folemnly devoted to God the Father, Son, and Holy Ghoft, as their God and Father , Sa- viour and San&ifier, Renouncing the World, the Flelh and the Devil, 10 far as they are adverfe : And the requifiteQualification of the Adult for proper Church Priviledges, and Communion in she Lord's. Supper, is, That they forfake not the faid Covenant or Chri/tianity , but publickly own it, not rendering their Profelon invalid by any Do&rine or Pra&ice incanJftent therewith. And that they under- Itandingly delire the Cid Communion. II. The Chriftian Churches have univerfally taken the Creed , the Lord's Pray- er , and the TenCommandments, as delivered by Chrift, for the Summaryof the Chriftian Belief, Delire and Pra&ice , expounding the Matter of the Baptifmal Covenant : Therefore all Pallors fhail Exhort all Houlholders to learn themfelves, and teach their Families, the words and meaning of the Baptifmal Covenant , and of the Creed , Lord's Prayer , and Ten Commandments : And ¡hall alto thus Catechize fuch themfelves as need their help, as far as they (or their AGI- ftants) can do it. IH. No Minifter Ihall Baptize any-Perfon , Adult or Infant , till the Adult for themfelves, and the Parent, or Pro - Parent , ( who undertaketh the Education of the Child as his own) have there profeffed their Beliefof the.Chriftian Faith, and their fore defcribed Confent to the Chriftian Covenant, in which they are to be folemnly devoted to God : And fuch they (hall not refufe. Nor Rail the Pallors admit any to the proper Priviledges of Church Communion-and partaking of the Sacrament of the Body and Bloodof Chrift, but thole who have made Proles lion that they refolvedly Band to their Baptifinal Covenant, in the forefaid Be. lief of the Chriftian Faith, and Delire, and Obedience to Chrift. Which Profef- lion Rail be made in the Church, or to the Pallor before fufficient Witnefs, or to the Diocefsnor fome other Paltor, who ¡hall give Teftimonial of it. And if any ¡hall go Boni the Parifh- Church Pallor to be Confirmed by the Bi!hop, or received by any other Miniller, without the Certificate or Content of his own Parilh Paltor, the laid Pallor fhall not be obliged to admit him to Communi- on', till to him alfo, before Witnef, he have made the Paid Profellìon. IV. Becaule in great Pariflres, and Cities, whore Perfons live unknown, and as Lodgers are tranfient, and too great a Number defre not Communion , and ma- ny Communicateonly with other Churches, and it is needful for Order that all Pallors know their Communicating Flockfrom the ref}, the Pallor may, for his memory, keep a Regifler of the BatedCommunicants of his Parilh ; and put out the Names of thofe that deny or remove, or are lawfully Excommunicate , or that wilfully forbear Communion above lix Months, not rendering to the Pallor a Sa- tisfadtory Excufe. But occafionally he ought not to refufe any Stranger who bath Tel}imony of his Communion with any other approved Chrillian Church. V. If by the Pallor's knowledge, or by jail accufation or fame, any Communi- cant be ltrongly fufpe&ed of Atheifm, Infidelity, or denying any Effential part of Chriftian Faith, Hope, or Pra&ice, or to live in any heinous Sin , the Pallor ¡hall fend for him, and enquire of the Truth i and if he be proved Guilty, gently inflru& him and adntonifh him, and skilfully labour to bring him to Repentance: And if he prevail not , Rail again fend for him , and do the tàme before force Wit- neffes: And if heyet prevail nor, or if he wilfully refute ro come, or to anfwer him , (hall [open br; Cafe before the Church Veftry, or Neighbour. P ore i and if be be profess. there , admonfr him, andpray for hie Repentance. Andifyet he prevail not to bring