Baxter - BX5207 B3 A2 1696

128 APPENDIX. Numb.IX bring him to the peofe on of feriaus Repentance, be fhall declare /bat be judgetb him a Perlon unmeet for Church Communion till be Repent; and fhall Wither)] forbear to give him theSacrament: But when he profeffeth ferions Repentance, !hall receive him. But if after filch oft Profe{&ons he continue in fach heinous Sin, he !hall not again receive him, till aîtual Amendment for a fuflcient time to make valid his Pro fefiion. VI. Ordination to the Prielhood fhall be a valid Licenfe to Preach : Andevery jolt Incumbent being the Pallor, Overfeer, or Re&or of his Parith Church, (hall as filch havepower to Preach to them without any further Licenfe , and to judge according to God's Word, to whom and how to perform the proper Workof his Office ; on what Text and Subje& to Preach , in what Words and Order to Teachand Pray. But if Canons alfo be made a Rule , they (hall not oblige him againft theWord of God : And if for Uniformity , or force Mens difabili- ty, he be tyed toufe the Words of prefcribed Forms, called a Liturgy, he fhall not be fo fervilely tyed to them, as to be punifhable for every Omiffion of any Coned, Sentence or Word, while at leaf thegreateft part of the Service appoint- ed for the Day is there read ; and the Subftance and Neceffary Parts of the Offi- ces be there performed ; no, though he omit the Croft in Baptifm, and the Sur- plice, and deny not Communion to thofe that dare not receive is kneeling. And if any worthy Minder fcruple to ufe the Liturgy , but will be prefent , and not Preach againft it, he fhall be capable notwithlandingof preaching as a Lelturer or Aifftant, if the Incumbent Pallor do Confent. VII. No Oath, Subfcription, Covenant, Profeihionor Promife (hall be made Neceffary to Minifters or Candidates for the Mimicry, befides the Oath of Alle. glance and Supremacy, and Subfcribing to the Sacred Canonical Scriptures, and to the ancient Creeds, or at the mot to the Articles of the Church ( excepting to them that fcruple the Twentieth, Thirty fourth and Thirty limb, as they fpeak only of Ceremonies, Traditions, andBithops), and the neceffary Renunciationof Herefie, Popery, Rebellionand Ufurpation : and the Promife of Minifferial Fi- delity according to the Word ofGod : Or at leaft none but what the Reformed Churchesare commonly agreed in.. . And let none be capable of Benefices and Church -Dignities, or Government in theUniverfities, or FreeSchools, who bath not takenthe laidOaths, Subfetiptions and Renunciations. VIII. Let none have any Benefice `with Cure of Souls, who is not Ordained to the Sacred Minilry by filch Bifhopsor Pallorsas the Law than thereto appoint for the time to come: But thofe that already are otherwise Ordained by other Paflors, fhall not be difabled , or required to be Ordained again. And let no Pallor, by Patrons or others, be impofed on any Parilh Church, without thecon- fent of the greater number of the BatedCommunicants. And at his Entrance, let force Neighbour Minifteasin that Congregation declare him their Pallor as fo Confented to and Ordained, andpreach to them the Duty of the Pallor andFlock, and pray for his Sneeefs. IX. If.any Palor be accufed of Tyranny, Injury , or Mahadminilration, he (hall be refponfible to the next Synod of Neighbour Pallors , or to the Diocefan and his Synod, or to the`Magiftrate , or whomfoever the. Law fhall appoint; and if guilty and unreformed aher a firl and fecond Admonition, than be panilh- ed as hisOffence deferveth; but only in a Courfe of Jufticeaccording to the Laws, and not Arbitrarily : Nor fo as co be forbidden his Minifterial Labours, till he be proved to do morehurt thán good. And if the fuppofed Injury to any who is denied Communion be doubtful, or but to one, or few, letnot, for their fake, the Church be deprived of their Pallor ; but let the Perfon, if proved, injbred, have power to forbear all hisPayments andTythes, to the Paftor,and to Communicate elfewhere. X. Becaufe Patrons, whochoofe Paltors for all the Churches, are of fo different Minds andDifpofitions, that there is no certainty that none (hall beby themPre - fenced, and by Bifhops Inftituted and Indulged , to whom godly Perfons may jut ly fcruple to commit the Paloral Conduét of their Souls, whofe Safety is more to them than all the World: And becaufe there may be force things left in the Li. turgy,