Baxter - BX5207 B3 A2 1696

Namb.IX. .I T m E ND I X z29 Liturgy, Church Governmentand Orders, which after their beft fearch ray be judged finful, by fuch godly and peaceable Chriftians, as yet content to the Word of God, and all that the Apoltles and their Churches praetifed: And Humanity and Chrifiianity abhor Perfecution; andHuman Darknefs and great Difference of Apprehenfions i(fuch, as leaveth us in Defpair of Varietyand Concord in doubtful and unneceffary Things ; Let filch Perlons be allowed to affemble forCommunion and the Worlhipof God, under filch Pallors and in filch Order as they judge belt; Provided r. That their Paftors and Teachers do take all the forefaid Oaths, Profefíions and Subfcriptions, before tome Court of Judicature, or Juffices at Seffions, or the Diocefan; as !hall be by Law appointed ; who thereupon !hall give them a Teli- menial thereof, or a written Licenfeof Toleration. 2. That they be refponfible for their Doctrineand Miniltration, and puni(hable according to the Laws, if they preach or praâtiee any thing incontinent with their forefàid Profeflion of Faith, and Obedience, or of Chriffian Love and.Peace. ;. That their Communicants. pay all Dues to the Parilh Miniffersand Churches where they live. And if filch People as live where the Incumbent is judged by them unfit for the Trait and Conduft of their Souls, !hall hold Communion with a Neighbour Pa- rifh Church; they (hall nor be punifhable for it ; They paying their,Parillt Dues at home: Nor (hall private Perfons be forbidden peaceably to pray or edifie each other in their Houles, XI. ChrillianPriviledges and Church Communion being unraluabfe Benefits, and jufl Excommunication a dreadful Punilhment , no unwilling Perlen bathright to the faid Benefits; Therefore none íhall be driven by Penalties to fay that he is e Chriftian, or to be Baptized, or to haveCommunion in the Lord's Supper: Nor !hall any be Fined, Imprifoned,or Corporally and Pofitively punifhed by theSword, meetly as a Non-Communicant, or Excommunicate and Reconciled, but as the Magiltrate (hall judge the Crimesof themfelves deferve. But if Non-Communicants be deniedall Publick Trutt in Churches, Univerfities or Cicil Government , it is more properly the Securing oftheKingdom, Church and Souls, then a punilb ngof them. But all Parifhioners at Age Ihall be obliged to forbear reproaching Religion, and profaning the Lord's Day, and (hall hear publick Preaching in fore allowed or to- lerated Church ; and (hill not refute to be Catechized, or tb confer for their In- Itrudlion, with the PuilhMinilìer; and Ihall pay him all his Tythef and Church Dues. XII. The Church Power above Parilh Churches, Diocefan, Synodical , Chan- cellors, Officials, Commiffaries, &c. we prefume not to meddle with : But, were it reduced to the Primitive State, or to Archbilhop Ufher'v Model of the Primitive Government; yea, or but to the King's Defcription in his Declaration 166o. about Ecclefiaftical Affairs, and if alto the Bishops were chofen as of old ( for Six hun- dred years and more) it would be a Reformation of great Benefit to the Kingdom, and the Churchesof Chrill therein : But if we have but Parifia Reformation, Reli- gion will be preferved without any wrong or hurt to either the Diocefans or the Tolerated : And if Diocefans be good Men, promoting ferious Godlinefs, and the Swordor Force ufed only by theMagiltrate, Diffene will turn to Love and Con- cord. But if they may Sufpend, Silence, or Excommunicate, Arbitrarily , or accord- ing to their prefent Canons (which Excommunicate ipfafaíto, allMen,Magiftrates, Minifters, and People; whodo but affirm that the Book of Common Prayer con- taineth any thing repugnant to the Scriptures, or that there is any thing unlawful to be Subfcribed in theThirty nine Articles; or Ceremonies, or that there is any thing repugnant co the Wordof God in the Church Government , by Arcbbifhops, Ba(hops, Deans, Arch-Deacons and THE RESTTHAT BEAR OFFICE IN THE SAME] without excepting fo much as Lay-Chancellor's ufe of the Keys) And if Men Excommunicate mull, as continuing filch, be undone and laid in Prifon, we mutt be content with our Peace with Godand Confcience, and good Men, andthat we didour belt for more, and mourn under the calamitous Effefts of thePublick E- nemiesofPeace, whom the GodofPeace will Ihortly judge.