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a3® APPENDIX. Numb.IX. To the Right Worlhipful Sir E. H. SIR, f mpEI E Healing of Chriftians endangered as we are by our own Difeafes, is s 1 one of the greateft Works in this World, and thereforenot to be marred by ` hafte, or for wantof due Confultationand Advice. Threeways are now pleaded for among us : Ofwhich two are Extreams, and muchof our Difeafe. 4 L One is by the forcing Prelates, who wouldhave all forced to full Confer-. ' mity to their Canons, andotherImpofitions ; and none endured, be they never ' fo wife, or godly, or peaceable, whothink any thing in themto be finful. This e way was long tried heretofore ; and thefe laft Twenty years, it bath (hewed us ` what it will effect : The Shepherds have been fmitten, and the Flocks fcattered, ' about Two thoufand godly Minifters Silenced , adjudged to lye in Jail with ` Rogues, and to utter Ruine by paying Twenty and Forty pound a Sermon, &c. ` The People hereby imbittered againft the Prelates, and alienated from their Par- ' ty as malignant Perfecutors, and as'Gnelpbes and Gibelines, all in dilcontent and ` dangerous contention,and on both fides growing worfe and worfe. And is this the ` only healing way ? ' ILThe other Extre atir'i5 thole that are'too far alienated into unlawful Separati- ' ens; whole talk is earneft againft that which is called a Comprehenf ;on, that is, ' fuch a Reformation of the ParifhChurches as may there unite the main Bodyof ' the faithful Minifters : And they had rather the things which we cannot there ' confent to, were continued unreformed, that fo the belt People might be1E11 ali- ` nated from them, and driven all into their Tolerated Churches. Concerning this way, I offer toyour Confideration, `e. Is it the part of good Men thustobe guilty of that which themfelves ac- count intolerableSin, and that in manyHundred thoufands, detiring it might not be reformed, and this on pretence of promotingGodlinefs ; when once their Lea- ' ders drew it up as a Fundamental, That [be that aloweth others in known fin cannot, ' befamed]. z. It is certain that there isno way foorderly and advantageous to the cam- ' mon Intereft of Chri(tianity, as Reformed Parifh Churches. ' g. The molt of the People that moft need the Miniftry, will come to the Pa- rif as Churches, and will grow worfe and worfeif they have not faithful Teachers ; and we (hall pleafe a fewgood People till they are worn out, and for want of a ferious believing converting Miniftry, a Generation of ignorant Maiignants will ' Erected them. Andwe !hall come fhortof the main end of theMiniftry. ` 4. So many good and fcrupulous People will leave the Parifh Churches, as will fee the Nation (or rather London) in aneven balance, andincreafe the envy ' ofthe other part , and one fide will talk more contemptuoutlyof the Periih ' Churches, and the Patina Pulpits will daily ring with Reproach againft them, fo that the Common People, whowill be in the Parifh Churches, will increafe their hatted againft the Tolerated, and they will live in a mutual and wordy War. s. The violent Prelatifts will by this have theirends,and will triumphover them ' in there Confufions, and fay, Did not we tell you what would be the Effect of ' Alteration and Toleration ? 6. When it is intended that this be butthe Introdufkion of a better Settlement, ' the new Attempt will by this be difabled; and they will fay, You fee that they ' are never latisfied, but are ftill changing, and know not where to reft. 7. The next Parliament having Experience of theft Confulons.will recall and ' and abrogateall their Tolerations. Theft things areeafily forefeen. Andyou that ` were One ofthe Eleven excluded Members, know what fuch- Hands have former- ! ly done. ` III. Themiddle true-way therefore is Parochial Reformation: This is neceffary init fell: This is confiftent with the Ïüfereft òf theft that jufily defre Toleration. e In a well conffituted Chrillian Nation, toleratedÇhurches fhould be but as Hodes of