Baxter - BX5207 B3 A2 1696

Numb.IX. APPENDIX Of Charity,Zenodocbia; Hofpitalsfor the Aged, Weak,Latne,Blindand Sick.Ir is con- ' fillent with the Mil Epifcopal Interefl, and indeed is its molt neceffary titpport, for want of which a Succeffìon of godly Adverfarieswill be againfi it to the end: Let us have Chrill's trueDo&rine, Worlhip and ChurchCommunion; and let ` General Bithops over us keep their Baronies, L.ordfhips, Wealth, and Honour. And we will be refponfible to them or anyRulersfor our Mal-Adminillration. But let themhave no Power as Bithops, but of theChurch-Keys , Et valeat quantumeralere potefl : Let them teach and reproveus, and if they do injurioufly pronounce us, Excommunicate, 'we will bear it: But keep the Sword only in the hand of Ma- ' giftrares, and be not the Lihtors of Anathematizers and Homers by your Writs ' de Excommunicate capiendo. TheTruth is, Civil and Church Government will be' well done, if we knew höw to get frill good Men to ufe it. And thechiefPoint ' of Political Wifdom is to fecure a Succeflon of fuchMen. Giveus butfuch Dio- ' cefans as Grinds , 3ewel, Ufher, &c. and let them be but Pallors , and not armed ' with the Sword, and who will expert that they Ihould hurt us? If Kings, that ' choofe Bithops, and Patrons, that choofe Incumbents, fhould be always certainly. °wife and holy Men, and lovers of all fach, they would choofe us fuch: But if ` they be not ( and Chrift tells you how hardly the Rich arePaved) theywill molt- ' ly choofe fuch as are of their mind, or as Favourites obtrude s and bad Bithops and Priefts are the mortal Difeafe of the,Church: And if I tell King and Patrons that the Clergy and Communicants fhould have a Confenting or Diffenring Vote, ' and fo the Door fhould have three Locks, ( the Contentof the Ordainers, Corn- ' municants, and Magiltrates) I cannot hope that they fhould regard me. But I ' will repeat what Mr. Tborndike faith, (a Man asfar as molt from the Nonconfor- mills) Treatife ofForbearance, [ It is to no purpofe to talkof Reformation in the Church unto Regular Government, without reftoring the Liberty ofchooftng Bi/hops, and the Pri ' viledge of enjoying them inthe Synods, Clergy and People of each Diecß: fo evident he the right of Synods, Clergy and People in the making of tbef ofwhom they confft, andby whom they are to be Governed, that I needmake no other realmofthe negleíl ofEpàfsipat) 'than the neglehl ofit.] As for them that mull needs have all our Cure difpatcht in fewer words than r thishalf Sheet ofPaper containeth, they areunfit Men todo fo great a Work,and ' will do it accordingly, if atall : Statute Books and Councils are much greater. ' Sir, thoughExperiencedeprefs my Hopes, the Cafe exciteth my Defires, which I ' hereoffer you ; not for my felf, who am not capableof any KindnefsfromKing, ' Parliament, or Prelates that I know of, unlefs it be to do me no harm, (and much ' I am fare they cannot do me) but for Publick Good, which is the great Delire ' of NOV. 9. 1680. roar Servant, Richard Baxter; The Reafons of theftfeveral Articles. I. V wE cannot treat of the Government and Concordof Chrillians, till we a: V gree what a Chrillian is, and who they are who are the Subjefks. Sofor the lIa. III. r. If Minifters be commanded to Baptize thofe Children who are brought by no Parent, or Pro-parent, who takeththe Child as his own, and undertakethhisE- ducation, it will cart out Multitudes of faithful Minillers, who know no right that the Childrenof Atheilts andInfidels, as fuch, have no Baptifm. 2. This Article forowning the Baptifmal Covenant is but what the Liturgy pleads for: But when it is faid [We (hall admit none to the Sacrament but ihofe that are Confirmed, or deftreit] it fuppoleth that they mutt give usnotice of it. 1V. This is only for a liberty to help memory in great Parithes , whereit is im- poilible to remember all the Conlmunieanrs i andavoid cvnfufìopby the unknown. V.With.