Baxter - BX5207 B3 A2 1696

132 A P P E N D I X . Numb:IX: V. Without this much power, in the Parifh Minifter, the thing muff be undone, it being impofiìble for the Diocefan alone to do it ; and the ancient Difcipline will beunavoidably caft out of the Church : But if the Bithops will not yield to this much, that will inftead ofan Appeal from the Incumbent,take the wholeWork of Publick Admonition and Cenfure on themfelves. We (hall fubmit to the Oblitera- tion of all thofe underlined Words, and thankfully ufe the Power ofSufpending our ownMks, and that allo under the Government and Corre &ionafter mentioned, VI. t.How is he by Office a Teacher, who path not Authority to Teach ? 2. We ask none of the Bifisop'sOffice for him, but his own t We leave him under Government, and refponfible for his Mal-adminiftration. 3. No Man's Minittry is fate, if he may be Sufpended for not Paying his Leffon as prefcribed juft to a Sentence. 4. This will make no Alteration in the PublickOffices of the Churches. VII- Chrifl hath made the Symbols of Chriflianiry and Communion: And he that in thefe Things ferveth Chrift is acceptable to God and approved of ( wile ) Men, Rom. 04. 18: z. Needlels Oaths and Covenants and Profeflìons are more ufeful to Satan, as En- gines to tear, than to theChurch as means to Concord: 3. But if under the Pretenfes of Renouncing Herefie, Popery, Rebellion and Ulurpation, Men will draw up enfnaringwords, againft the Law of Nature or Scripture, it is no filch Snares that will heal the Churches. To fay [ I renounce all contrary to this Profeflion]is enough.To the RenunciationofPopery thereneeds no more than the Oath of Supremacy it felf, if to the renunciation of[Forreign a- rijdiEtion] were but added [Civilor Eeclejïaftical]. q. If the Church Articles were moreexaA if were better. VIII, r. Thole that cannot fubmit to a Legal Ordination, mull be content with Toleration. z. The queflioningof thofe already Ordained, need not make a breach, as long as no Patron is forced to prefent filch, nor the major part of Communicants for- ced to accept them; nor the minor, if theydiffent, forbidden their Communion elfewbere. And thisquarrelling at each others Ordination is endlels. As the Bi- (hops fay on one tide, [None fhould be Ordained withouta Biffrop]; fo they fay on theother fide, [e. The chief Minifter of every Church is a,Bilhop: fpecially of a City Church. z. That Ordination is valid which is better than the Papifts; ( For r. we Re-ordain them not : 2. Our Eilhops claim Succeflion from them: ) But the Ordination ufed here after 0646. is better than the Papifts: For r. Theirs is to an unlawful Office, to beMafs-Prietts : z.Ir is into afalfe Church (that is, as headed by a pretended Univerfal Head). 3. And it is from the Pope, who as fach bath no power: They profefs themfelves hisSubjefts. q. And the Roman Seat bath had oft and long Intercifions., p. They fay that Ordination is valid which is better than the Englifb Diocefans : But, &r. r.The Englifb Diocefans is derived from Rome, which wanted power, and was as aforefaid, falfe and interrupted. 2. They have neither the Eleetionor known Content ofthe Clergy or People, but are cho- fenby the King. And the old Canons formany Hundred years null fach Bilbops. 3. It is meet that theTemples, Tythes, and Paftoral Office go together to the fame Men : and therefore that the Patron, Communicants, and Ordainers do all agree; But if they cannot agree, the Patron or MagiliratesJudge who fhall have the 'Temples andTythes. Memorandum, Here wants the Reafonsofthe tell ofthe Articles! ifnot`fomething moreto the EighthArticle. FINIS.