Baxter - BX5207 B3 A2 1696

E L I S F-I A' S C; R L P. Elijah's GO D. 2 King. ii. l.} teri ,K r=42.2 'i zs -'try ni; a , Oe15 'HRik áQQw? Where the Lord God of Elijah ? T HIS Day is a great and Salerno Day indeed, made fuck by Pofitive Inf itution, and by Providential Difpcnfation. Fined Creation : Compleated dedemption by the ReJurrellion of our Lord : Towhich we may add, the Effufionof God's RigidSpirit in thofe Gifts and Graces the Fruits whereof, wefee and reap in the Stated Affemhlies of filchdays, are now to have their Solemn Celebrations. And the Execution of a broken Law exemplifyed in the Diffolution ofour deccafed Prophet, the Reverend Mr. Richard Bax- ter, is this day to be conhdered and improved, by this great and mournful Affens- bly. Nature, throughMan's Apoftacy, is labouring and groaning under its heavy Curie : and, in its Afpe&s, Ufesand Effects, it bears the Charafters and clear In- timations of God's difpleafure towards Revolted us. Man (once Lord ofall) by his Apoftacy fromGod, finds all in Arms againft himfelf. He falls by Death,and is refolved into hisOriginal Daft s HisCountenance is changed, and he isfens away: the bodydies, and rots, andmuff be buried out offight, and his Soul goes to its eter- nal State : Either to Heavenor Hell; even to which it thall be found molt at- tempered by its dilpoftion and deportment, whilftit was in this World and Bo- dy. The Death was penal ; and nothing but compleated mifery had been the certain confegnence thereof; had not Grace interpofed. But Cbrift has redeemed us from the Cure of the Lao', by bring made himfelf a Curie for us: and by his Me- diation heopensour way toHeaven, through Faith, Hope in him, and Holinefsbe- fore him. And God, for Chrift's fake, gave very early difooveries, and comforta- ble talles of Grace; and early inflames and pledges of our entire Tranflation ht Soul and Body to the HeavenlyState. Enoch and Elias efcaped Death by apeculi- ar Indulgence, through the Arbitrary and Undeferved Grace ofGod. Chrift un- dergoesand Conquers Death : Railes fome from the Dead before he Dies and, by his Perfonal Refurreftion , affures usof his Power and Purpofe, to Raie hisFa- vourites and Members to an Immortal Stateof Blifs and Glory : And ( having a delire to fee his own in their Gompleateff State) he makes all the hafte that the Oeconomyof Affairs will bear, to compleat the purpofe of his heart, in bringing us glorioufly to our Eternal Reif. Man muff be Difciplin'd byGod 'for Heaven : and trained upby manifold Providences forthofe moo blelfed Regions whereto he is configned by God. And, as the Providence of this day concerns us all, and reaches you and me, with all imaginable aggravations ; fo (confidering myRela- tions toGod, to You, and to Him that's now retired within the Vail) whillt ¢ was mutingwhat part of Sacred Writ I fhould form tome pertinent Difcourfè up- A x