Baxter - BX5207 B3 A2 1696

2 C on for you and me ;this Text arofewith aconfiderable Sprightfnlnef and Vigour: affecting fo much my own,heart, as to fix my purpofc to infift upon it. And the Lord affift me to difcover fuchTruths,todraw fuch Parallels, to make Each Infe- rences , and enter fuch Memorials, as may both reach and ferve the truly ufeful ends and purpofes of this Day'sProvidence and Text, in their belt References, to the benefit of you, my fel , and others, (a.) S, . TheClaufe now read is fo impregnated with Senfeand Reach,as that to form it into a Doirinal Propofition, would be prejudicial to my thoughts and purpofe there beingfo muchweight, and fuch a sruSos even in every word. Whether you confider (r . ) the God enquiredafter ; or (a. ) thePerfon, towhom God was fo evidently , fo eminently, and fo avouchedly related : Or (g.) the rnquiritive Prophet, fo fenfible of the abfolute necelfity of the P,refence of Elijah's God with him : Or (' ç.) The Time and Caufe of this Pathetical Inquiry after God : Or (g. ) the Parallelwhich this day's Providence hath drawn herewith : Or (6.) the Memorials which God thus enters as things of.great importance to us; and requi- ring our anfwerable noticeof them': Or ('y. ) the fit Improvement to be made hereof, by (r.) all inGeneral : (for it is a Publick Stroke and Lofs, and bath its General Voice and Call :) And (z.) by this Congregation and my Self more clofely andparticularly. Now feeing the Text it felf lies as the Heart and Central Point of the whole Context; we muff accordingly confider it. And while we infift upon it, the things to bedelivered to you, 'hall be reduced and confined to thefe' following; Heads. I. The Tranflated Prophet. I. It was Elijah, z King. ii. r. one of the Inhabitants (Hebr. Sojourners) ofGile- ad.- AMan of God, as tohis place and work. A perfon of Eminent Function and Employment. A Man that was to fpeak fromGod,. and for Gcd to deliver the mind of Godto Men, and to prefent,their Cafe and Hearts to.him. A Man Confe- crated to extraordinary work, and toacquaint the people with what related to them, as to their Duty and Concerns. He had hisCommiffion from on high, his Officeand Funition did import bothhis Authority andIns Obligationto Special work and Service. Hewas a Man alfo after God, as to the genuine temperandpropen- fionsof his heart. Hewas imprincipled forGod, andmoved in his molt delight- full Element, when buffed about the thingsof God. He was a nutty perfon,and like a Faithfull Steward, he naturally minded theaffairs and Intereft of that God that fent him. Andhe was a Manfor God, as to his Refolutions Endeavours, and IDefignes. A Man he was of a Prophetick Spirit, acquainted with his Mailer's Mind and Purpofe, asto feveral Events, concerning themwith whom he had to do , ofwhich he had no indicationsor probable prefagesfrom Second Gaufes. And he was one of wonderfully prevailing power with his God by Prayer ; Witnefsthat (a) There isone difficulty in the Text not eahly to be refolveci : And that is the Import ofthe Words, itirl ON which the yo Render par®á, or á90a:, Tbeodorrt yam d opciç:..1e- ¡aLs,d s), 41 P tnábvar iN,ar ifHfwd,,iw'o. It teems hereby that he and others took it to im-' port fomethin hidden, or occult. The Interlineary render it, Priam ipf, Pan Hr: SeeHeylus. Prolog. to Arijiarcb. The Accent Attend, under the,Word 'ì177t? ferms to put a period tothat claufe , Where is the Lord Godof Elijah ? And then 1 in pT1 being not Copulative,but Con. verfter , refers thofedark words to eke following-Claufe'; and foRead them, Even be fmotethe Waters, i. e. Alba. They that judge otherwife, think,114111 BM to be Emphaticallyexprelìive of, a Solicitous and Concerned Mind, inThoughtful Agonies : Cur on dividuntur ague, rum eundem ago Dean ac Elias? Vatab. The yo, by their Tranflating ávpá were either ignorant of the hg. nitration of what they renderedthat ; or apprehendveof fumeMyftery therein, or of fume Scot and teach thereof, which they either were unable, or thought not fit to tell : elkDomine Deg( domini mei Eÿæ. Syr. S f ipe Petitioaem means Domine Dear Eliab, edam ipfe. Targ. Deprecationem means o Deus, DeusElie, Arab. Etiam 'pit i. e. ingraham P/ia, ( vet Elife ut alii) ur oenfusfit; etiao ipfe pa'iuct .1- gum. Monte. 'Ubi Dent Elie, edam 1pfe ? quifemper !dens jb fidelis, Omnipotent, E5 Ievotantes fe esca. dient. Lac. ran Aiwa de prefentia , out maniaDei ; fed atraso,, querirrrque ami- ve de negata libi morfüape. T. but let this be dif lift without any further Notice. Inflame