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After Elijah's God. 3 Infance of it about the Widow's Son, who was recovered upon his fo ferions Ad- drefs to God for her and, him, r King. xvii. 2ö.-- -a4. See alto yam. v. 17, r8. And howGod owned .hint by fpeeial Providence, is manifeft by the extraordina-. ry Miniftrÿ of the Ravens unto his Bodily Necellities, s Kinps. xvii. 6. But more dilindly. Hewas a Manof Knowledge, towhom the Lord imparted the things that did relate both to his Soul and Funkion. He nnderftood his God, Himfel ,and thePeople of Isis Generation; and was everyway fit and furnifhed to acquaint them with their Maladies, their Remedies, and their Duty. He was a Man of Courage, andgreat Magnanimity, fit to cnterprizc and encounter the greateft Dif -. ficulties whereto his God, by Providence, calla or expofed him. He feared no Man'sface whom he was ordered to Reprove. He dreaded noMan's wrath, that any way oppofed God. He valued not his lifeunto the dbath, might he but fulfill bis Miniftery, and his Courfe with joy. He would Run, A&, Speak, Warn, Urge, on Plead with any Man ; and valued no Man's Friendfhip or ProteEìion, upon any terms, difhonourable to his Gaufe and God. He was a Man of verygreat Severities; as toTemperance and Converfation. He valued not his flefh to ferve his God ; he could befull or empty, naked or clothed, in boufe or field : and would not cherilh an Enemy ( for pampered flefh is no better ) tho', vet he would not ttarve a Friend (his Ii" e7r ) fo far as'it might be fcrviccable unto God. Hewas a zealous perfora for God's Intereft, againft the fierce add úniverfal oppofitions of his degenerate Age, r Kings xix. to. He was all Spirit, Life and Zeal for God.' And what is Zeal; but the Fervour of Love, working b? Anger, when what the heart is molt intent, upon, and molt affedted with, is either rivaid or abutted ? Heis truly called the Tffhbite, i Kings xvii. r. or the Converter, as the word imports; whence that.Ex preffion Behold Iwill (end you Elijah the Prophet before the coming of the great and dreadful day of the Lord. , And he fhall turn the heart of the Fathers to the Children, and the heart of the Children to their Fathers left I come and fmite the Earth with a Curie. Whence alfo the Evangelist thus reprefents john the Baptift, as going be- fore the Lord jefus in the fpirit andpower ofElias, to turn the hearts of the Fathers to theChildren and the difobedient to the wifdom of thejuft, to make ready apeopleprepared for the Lord, Mal. iv. 4. s. with Luk. i. :7. And how deep and Faithful his heart was in his work, may be difcerned from, i King. xviii. 36, 37. where he thus. breaths his fervent heart; Lord Godof Abraham, jfaac, and ofIfrael, let it be known this day that thouart God in Ifrael, and that I am thyfermant, and that Ibave done all thefe things at thy word. Hear me O Lord, hear me, that this people may know that thornart theLord God, and that thou ball turned their hearts back again. Ws Funktion as a Prophet hisUnftion as an infpired and accomplilhed Prophet Ms diligent, fervent, confantmanagement of his Undertakings, were things confpi-, canes in his day ; and are as fich uponRecord with us. Nor did his Spirit and power want their full work and Teo, and in him we may fee fuch things .as' thefe. (i.) God's Provident Care to fit Men for the work he calls them' to. For they flail not want their clear Call, their full Commifon , their Competent Uaktion,; and Accomplifhments, their great Encouragements, and their meet Affiftances. They lhall not run before they are fent; they (hall be Authorized todo their work and all the Abilities regnifite to their work, fuch as Knowledge, and Utterance; they ball not want : Nor (hall they be defitute of what may tefifie untothem God's pretence with them, his Concern for them, his Delight inthem, and his helpinghand to Suit them to, Support them under,and carry them through what theyare fent about. Elitab, when, feat our, was both par negotio er oneri ferendo. His work did not exceedhis Qualifications for it, nor was his Enterprize unegeal tohis Strength. (2.) The Coft and Difficulties of Prophetick Work. Elrjah had the Royal Throne, the Prieftly-Robe, and the rude multitude fet againft him; and all that . belh could any wayrefent, tomake hisUndertaking frightful and uneafie to hin{; every way. Hardened Idolaters, Apofates, and Tranfgreffors t are the fierce Enemies again4 the Prophets of the Lord : And it is noteafy for every one to. encounter them; Nor was that Counfel impertinent or ufelefs, that the Apostle thought fit to back with filch Enforcements and Encouragements; as we find in 2 Tim: ii, 3-.-rq: And what fort of Perfons the Prophetsof theLord are liketo hare