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After Elijah's God. expreffive of God, beneficial to himfel , and beautiful in the eyes of ail. How clear and excellent a Micmac are the Conftitutions, Adminiftrations, Entertain- ments and Employments of theHeavenly State, of God himfelf ! No wonder that the Apoftle faid ( though in an Extafie, wherein the Reprefentations of the Hea- venly Glory, though excellent and taking, were far inferiour to what this Prophet now beholds) that he heard words' unwordable ( dsv0 çwu 9x ) which it is not lawful ( or poffble) for a Man to utter. ( 3.) That Humane Nature is receptive of, and determin'd to obtain great things, when its great End and Author pleafes. Neh. xi, 5. This World ( when taken at the belt ; Much more when it is fo courfe and bad) is thought too mean and little for the Sons of God; for his peculiar Favourites. It is highly proba- ble, that this Tranflated Prophet,as he went up, was gradually refin'd; and fo at- tempered unto the Regions through which he was to pats fucceffively ; until at length he was connaturaliz'd to his Glorious State and Manfion in the Heavens. What entertain'd him by the way, we knownot, nor what a preparatory enter- tainment the Converfation of thofe Angels was to him, who came by a Divine Commiflion to fetch him up to Glory. And we as little knowwhat influence his fo tranfported Soul ( with this high favour from hisGod) might have upon that Body which he tookup withhim, in order to its convenient Change. We know how Stephen's Countenance was chang'd, when he beheld through thecloven Hea vens, Chr:ff at his Father's Right-hand, in filch a vifible pofture ready to own hini; to abet his caufe he fuffered for, and to receive that Soul that did in Martyrdom fo willingly give up its Body. And Sacred Record tells us of ChrJt's Transfigu- ration in the Mount, when pleafed fogreatly with his Father's prefence and tefti- niony, and with the Convene that the had with Molls, and with this Trantlated Prophet, when converfant withhim; like Citizens of that blell'ed World above:. But thefe things I refer to more judicious thoughts and heads. ( k.) That Humane Nature is very dear to God, s .!Yoh. iii. a. Though it be doom'd to all that fitly may exprefs and aggravate God's anger to us; and to what fully may extort the teftimony of our Senfes thereunto ; yet God from Hea- ven now finites upon us; and fends us thence both who and what lhall greatly prove our dearnefs to himfelf That filch vile Flefh, and guilty Spirits fhould thus be taken up, chang'd and glorified ; this fpeaks and proves us very dear to God in- deed. ( g.) What early Inftances, and lively Emblems of the Ref,rrelion-ftate God gave to Men , to raife up their Hearts, Aims, and Expedaticn. Enoch and Elijah thus Tranflated, told Men fromHeaven betimes, That Earth is. not all that is in- tended for them ; would they be but true to God, and duly provident for them- felves in time. Elba, and the so Menof the Sons of the Prophets, that were by Providence Witnelfes of this Tranflation of the Prophet unto Heave, were now convinc'd ( or mightbe fo) that there is another and a better Wcri; than this; and they might all of them eafily infer, froinwhat they faw, that there was room in Heaven for more than Enoch andElijah, a'nnd, that they two were not the only perfons that Heaven Ihould have from hence. (6.) What Special Notice God will take of fpecial zeal; and faithful fervice [ Cor. xv. 58. s Pet. v. 8. -- -so. Rev. ii. [ o. a Tim. iv. 6.---8. Elijah is exalt- ed like himfelf ; God's heart as warm towards him, as ever his heart could be to- wards God : Whilft he was here below, he really Was ( and Eli own 'd him to be ) as theChariot of Iliad, and the Horfemen thereof; all ufefulnefs, alivity, zeal, andfaithfulnefs in his day : And having fpent his time and ftrength, as in the fervours of warm and bufie Love to God and Souls ; and in Zeal for truth, and a- gainfì Idolatry; Sowhat moreanfwerable to this fervent temper than the fiery Chariot and Horfes to mount him from hence to Heaven. It. God's avouchedRelation to this Prophet. L ThatGod whiü. call'd him to be what he was. For Prophets are railed up by God,Deat.xviiia 5. And hecalls himfelf aProphet of the Lord, s King. xviii.zz. 1-1e. 5