Baxter - BX5207 B3 A2 1696

After Elijah's God. quickly made, as to the Virtue of the received Mantle. This good Man thought himfelf greatly infcriour to his Mafter; and his cafe more deplorable through the removal of fo great a Perfon. He knew he had great work to do ; and potent Enemies to contend with and a degenerate Generation to reduce to God. He knew that proportionable wifdom, diligence, and fervour, vigour and patience hereunto, was of necefliity to be had and exercifed. And no Pattern had he known, more Exemplary and Succefsful than this Elijah was. And very loth he was to Come behind hint. Nothing did prefs fourgently upon his heart as this -, that his own Perfonal Excellencies, and d'erforneances might be fch, as that thework of God thereby be Vniform. , And though the gift of Miracles was probably . more immediately in his Eye; Yet was not this his ultimateDad i e and .Dellgn; but rather to have all advantages for a Reformation-work,: by pining greater and more effeftnal Credit to his Miniftry. He would not culpably come behind his Matter, nor be defe&ive in any thing ordinatile and advantageous onto the bull- nefs of his then prefent Day and Fnnaion. V. It was Concerned Elba to come off well at laic, AHs xx. 24. 2Tim. iv. 6.---8. He coveted fo to fulfil his Courfc and Fnnion, as to attain the molt a- bundant entrance into that State whereto he taw his Malter pafs. Great indeed was the inlance which he lately had of, God's Regard. to Excellent Elijah: and though he could not hope for being excufcd from Death ( nur seas he, as we find, n Icing. xiii. iç, no. ) yet might he covet, aim at, and prepare for, dying in the Lord, and living with him in that State which Elijah's being thus lifted up Prefi- gured. Elijah had born his ample telimohy to the Name and Carafe of God., when the Baalitical Apoflacy had grown fo great. And he had God's Miraculous Teftimony to his Zeal and Faithfulnefs: And this might well provoke Elifhds .heart, to be folicitous abort that prefence of Elijah'sGod,which might future his perfeverance, andconftant fulfilling after God ; and his molt feafonable and de lightful entrance into Elijah's State of Heavenly Joys, and Glory ; for like hisMa- iler he coveted to be, both in thisWorld, and in the nekt. VI. It was EncouragedElijaa to expert great things from God, a King.u. Great Men of God know hose to take their helps and hints for boldnefs in their applications tohiin, both from Indulgence and Experience,2 Sam. vii. 27---29. Pfal, ix. 10. Hai. iii. as -- -19. The great Experiences of Elijah, were grateful Explications of this Significant Relation; and fmart Temptations, and Incentives to this Prophet's Prayer and Hope. He, that knew Elijah, and had feen what Spi- rit ac77ed him, what Power attended him, what Pròvidence wrought for and by him, how all Spirits and e Difficulties melted down before him , how great an Ho- nour and Preferment was vonchfafed to him, in being thus carried up to Heaven he that was Called, and charmed to hisFunction andEmployment byDivine.Or -. and Elijah's Mantle hethat taw the late Miracle which this Mantle wrought, in a King. ii. 8. he that had the,Sign given him of being gratified in his defined favour from Elijah : he that fo throughly confider'd what a PeblickTreafure God had madeElijah unto Ifrael; -and that had fuck reafon and propenfinn:to believe God's generous kindnefs to his devoted ones ; Yea, he that (b illy ). felt fuch E- nergies in his awn holy Principles and Appetites, could not be delitute of Ea- coeragements, to expefit that God would own him and affil him in all, that he had call'd him to; a Parallel toall which we Teem to have in ;ler. i. g. -- -io. All good Men love to knowtheir Errand, and their Warrant, when they follicit for Great things from Heaven. Fancy's are but weak Foundations for great Expefta- tions to be built upon. Had not Eli(ha been thus. Countenanc'd by hisMailer, to ask (as it were) at large ; he had been more modeft inhis Suit t but when the prophet bid him ask (though his Reque& feem'd hard) yet did not that much difeourage him from expeaing what he long'd and begg'd for, IV. Elijah's great Enquiry and Concern. a. God's Prefencewas the thing enquired after, and regnefed: and nothing can he done without it. See Exod. xxxiii. 12. -- -17. We need God's prefence with our Spirits, with our Perfon, and our Enterprizes.. Our Spirits mull be upheld, furnifhed; fortified; and encouraged; and every way prepared for, laid even with, and kept clofè to the bufinefs of their Day. Our Perlons mull be pro, R a retied