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> o Eliíha)s T tefted and maintained in their ufefulnefs and fafety, till their work bedone. And our Enterprizesmutt be fmiled upon, and attended with that ProvidentialPretence which (hallaccommodate it felf to all Affairs, that are and ought to be Compleat- ed by our Minittry. God's influencing Operative Pretence ( call'd hishand ) lnuft be upon us, with us, and for us. There muff be in us holy Wifdom, Courage Patience, Confidence, and Chearfulnefs; and there mutt be fuch a Providence as to make Second Gaufes to ferve or yield to us, and fpeak for us. 2. It was the Pretence of Elijah's God. A Pretence fuited to a Prophet's work, a Cor. x. 4, g. There willbe Enemies upon their Thrones, in Arms, inConfliltati- ons; fighting againft God and his Era's, with their Thoughts, Tongues, Pens, and Interett. And Prophets mull encounter and endure all, Ephe . vi. i z. - -18. Earth and Hell combineagainft them; and there want not Inftruments , Engines, Methods, and Pretences ; to Patronize, Propagate, and Encoúrage Idolatries, In- fidelity, Immoralities, and Cruelties, and all forts of Mifchief. And can there be grapled with and Conquer'd without Elijah's God ? The Spirit of Elijah waft Yell upon Etta : How otherwife can the Waters part, which are fo obftrufive to his Dutiful and Profperous Motions ? z King ii. 14, 15. Or the unwholefom Springs of Waters he heal'd ; fo as that neither Death , nor Barrennefs refult therefrom ?? Verf. ai. Or the early ( almoft Infant) Em`lations of Malignity and Scorn be check'd and punilhed? Verf. z3, 24. Or the good King gehofaphat be refrefh'd and profper'd ? z King. iii. i.---25. Or the Widow's Oyl be mol- tiplyed, as the miraculous owning of her former Husband's Godlinefs ? Chao. 1. ---7. Or the Shunamite's Son reftor'd to Life ? 8. ---37. Or Death re- mov'd from the Pot? Verf. 38. - --4t. Or an Hundred Men miracvloufly Fed? Vert. 43, 44. Or a Naaman cured of, and a Gehazi {Mitten with theLeprofy ? Chap. v. Or the Syrians Chamber -Politicks detefted, and all his Army. Con- quer'd? Chap. vi. Or Plenty brought to otherwife Starv'd Samaria ,, beyond expeftation ? Yea, or this Elba live fo defirably, and die fo honourably and la- mentedly as hedid , z King. xiii. 14.---r9. A Prophet's Work and Province needs that Uncîion, Pretence, and Encouraging reward, which none but an E- lijah's God can give, t King. 36. with a, 3, 54---21. This makes aPro- phet mighty both inWord and Deed, with God and Man, Ezr. vii. 6; 9, to. Neh. ii. 8. Ezek. iii. 8. - ---11. ger:i. i 8, r9. And who can nand before a. Prophet and his God ? 3. This pretence mull be evidently filch to others. Let it be known this day ( faith this Elijah, whofe God Eia is now enquiring after) that thou art God in lfrael, and that I am thy Servant, and that I have done all theft things at thy word. Hear me, O Lord, hear me, that this Peoplemay know Then the Fire of the Lord fell, and con fumed And when the People were Convinced that God thus Ihewd himfelf, and own'd bin Prophet, then fell Elijah to hisordering of Baal's Prophets to be dettroy''d, t King. xvht. 36. ---40. And filch a Pretence was E- lifha concerned to obtain, when as the matter might require it o And filch con- eernednefs we find elfewhere, as Pfat. cix. 26, 27. Exod. iv. i. -- -y. This his Enquiry feems to import thus much ; Be thou fomuch with me, as to cenfirain thofe perfons to whom Iam to Prophete, tofay, No Man could Prophete, AP, and Live, and thus fulfil bits Charge, and Ar %insftry, unlefs Elijah's God was with him. See foh.iii.z. t Cor. 1i. 4, ii. 3, 7. Hal. ii. 4. O Let Gifts, Grace, Power, Performances, and Succefs bear teftimony to me, that Elijah's God is ever with me. V. The Genuine Spirit of this Speech. L Elijah was yet greatly in Etfha's thoughts; they were but newly parted. remembrances What frefh n Prophet r the Office, Excellencies, and endeari g Converfaion,, of his reti ed and Exalted Matter The Pape and features of his Perfon ; the Excellency of his Temper ; theCom- pofures of his grave Countenance; the weightinefs of his Words; the manner of his Converfation ; the Severities of his Life ; the undauntednefs of his Spirit ; the freedom of his Conferences the power of his Prayers; the exemplarinefs of his Life; the nliraculoufnefeofz his Experiences and Performances; and his ex-. ftzordigary paling from hence to Heaven; with all the good which had and