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.flftcr Elijah's God. might have iffued from him, and beenderived to himfelfand others, had but the Prophet continued here longer amonglt Men : Suchthings as thefe mutt needs affe& his heart, and exercife his thoughts, evenat every mention of Elijah ; and fo far renew thepleafures of their former Intimacies, andReciprocated-Esiendfhips. Elijah was the Father, Friend, and Matterof .Elba, and Rood in near Relation to his God ; and he was thought on by the Prophet, as being greatly priviledged by that Relation : Otherwife, why not the Lord my God, as well as the Lord Godof Elijah ? This 'Man was written on his heart. Suchare remembrad by their Inti- mates when not feen ; 'twas not in heart, but perfon, that they were parted. 11. Elijah's God was now very powerfully uponElba's heart. Era's thoughts were deep and bufy about great things, confidered by him as in reference to Eli- jah. He frequently and intimately confider'd, towhat his God had calledElijah; what he had made him ; a Man ; agood Man, and a Prophet: What an Llation he had beltow'd upon him ; what Encouragements he afforded him; what ready Audience he gave his. Prayers ; how he proteftedhim from what he feared ; how he enabled him to do what he did ; how he fupported him under what he felt; how he ownd him publickly inwhat he went about; how he had tranflated him to what he long'd for ; and how he had placed him at Taft antongit thofe that he had fuited him unto : He alfo thought what a God this Godwill beto others, that was experienc'd to be fach to his Matter. O how did thefe things work upon EGfha's heart ! Who would not be ambitious of the Saving Powerful Knowledge of this God; of Covenant-Relations to him; ofall Engagements in his Service, and of all Endearments to his Heart ! No greater Wifdom, Power, Faithfulnefs, and Kindnefs, can be coveted,and retted on, thanGod's. Ill. Elijah's bleffed State was mol affedlingiy in Elifha's profpeft ; even in its placeand meafiiremuchwhat like that in Luk. xxiv. 5z, 53. Elijah taken upthus vifibly in Solemn State to Heaven, and this too by the Lord his God a Ring. ii. i1. cannot but minifter to great thoughts, even fuch as theft; ¿t.) What cannot God do if he pleafes ? Exod. xv. t i. Ffal. civ. i. --5. cxxxv. 6. cxv. Bafe Earth, and fluggilh Flefh mount up ; Fireand Angels, they defcend ; Mor-. tais become Immortal ; the LivingRife ; the Dead areRaifed up ; and a Favou= rite (hall be Jingledout from amonglh Men to be indemnified from the ftroke of Death, and from the Indofures of a cold Grave. (z.) What will not God dò for his Faithful Zealots in his Service ? he is not afhamed to be called their Gad, ba- ying prepar'd for them a City; , and promis'd and engaged for their Tranllation thither. E:eb. xi. 16. What the Earthcannot entertain themwith, theHeavens iball. (3.) Nothingcan bethought toomuch for God, nor any thing loft indeed, nor counted great, that we are call'd to hazard, lofe, endure, or do for him. Heb. X. 4. z Cor. iv. 17, t8. Elijah's Affumption intoHeaven foon made amends abundantly, for all hisSufferings, Pains and Loifes. (4. ) Elijah's God is all in all below to them, who have him for their God indeed , z Tim. xiv. 57, 18. Heb. xiii. 6. Pf lxxiii. z4.---z9. Elifhah thought, that he who had horn Elijah through all his Agonies, Toils, Fatigues and Fears toHeaven, could do as much for him ; and whynot therefore to be ferved, eyed and trulted by him? (5. ) What fo meet and needful , as an liïeavenlyExpe&ation, Mind and Life? Col. iii. a. Matt. vi. t9.---zi. xaii. 3,4. We cannot think Elijah carry'd up unto that State, which never had his thoughts and heart: he never could imagine that this World and Body could be hisrefting place, in that they were fo much polluted : Therefore it was the Heavenly Countrey that he made the greateft reckonyg of; andwhenceand whither he was carry'd by the Lord his God, with all his delicate Entertainments there ( and perhaps by the way as he afcended up) could not but fix Elba's thoughts fire his heart ; confirm him in his holy purpofes ; quicken his endeavours to fulfil his Miniftry ; and thereby ripen him. for his matt abundant entrance into theHeavenly State, bybearing his Spirit up in hope, and drawing forth many a ferions quickening , and heart-refrains - thought. By what Elifha faw, he could not but expo& great things from God ; andmufe upon (with great delight) what theLord, Elijah's God, at lait, would make him, and whither he would bring him, IV. Elüah'p 1