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12 Elitha'r C It 2" 1V. Elijah's Work now wholly li s upon ElàJba's hands t F.'i, . xix. t 6. He mutt now Prophecy, Inftruét, Reprove, Rebuke, Exhort, Reform, Endure, En- counter, and Engage againft all that fhall rival or oppofe God All which is now confidered by him, as quite above his ltrength and skill, uslc1 Efiju!,'s God be with him. Men of thedeepeft thought, of the greatefl reach, :nüf.eyea of the nobleft refolution to dotheir utmoft to promote Cod's Intereft in the' World,yet tremble at their Work, when they confider the im'p'ort of it, 'and the difficulties that attend it : and it fends them oftentotheir - Prayers and "fears, that God would not defect them, and leave them to themfelves. St. R.? that Great Apo file, hadbeen no ftranger to, not Trifler in his Work ; nor unacquainted with the Severities of Martyrdom; one of Small Proficiency, in the Vigours and Ex- periences of Chriftian Gedlinefs whenyet in the profpecî efdpproaching trou- bles he fo concernedly addrèlt himfelf to Heaven by Prayer, ï (br. xii. 7. -q. And it was;from the Divine Promife and not from any thing in himfelf, that'he deriv'd hisìhopes of Perfeverance to the end ; and fortifyed his Courage to with- stand all Enemies, and Obflaeles in his Connie. This was the Armour he ran, and Fought in ( might I allude tothat'Olympick Game which they called öe'lsíra ógófue -,' whereto this fame Apoltle Seems to allude in X12. xx. 14. -a Tim.iv. 7.) 'Tis no filch eafie thing to demolifh-the Itrong holds of Satan, to call dotve all the Reafonings, and Imaginations that lie fo oppofite toGod's Intereft, in the Idolatrous, and Profeffing Chriftian Wörld ; nor to tread down every thing that exalts its Pelf againft the Knowledge:of God, and Chriftian Intereft ; and to bring into Captivity every:thought, to the'.Obedience of Godand Chrift: and the wea- pons ofthis warfaremull not be carnal; for thenthey would proveto be tooweak : and if they be mighty and fsccefsful, it mull be through God : as 2 Cor. x._4, S. Inch thoughts as thefe may well aSk/I Ekfha, when he had no Elijahat his hand to helphim. VI. The Errand and Memorials of this Tëxt and Day. i. As this Day is now our Sabb.ach-dcy ; fo let us remember the Lord Elijab's God, as telling from Creation-work, and callingus to theCommemoration both of the Monuments of his vilible Power,of the pleafure that he took therein, and of the Signatures of his molt reverend and HolyName impreft thereon, Exod. xx.8. --t t. r Chron. xxix. in.---1 3. Nehem. ix. S, 6. Dent. x. 14. yanab i.9. This vaft Fabrick is fo expreffive of God's Name, fo worthy of his Providence, and fo adapted to thepurpofes and ufes, whereto he had contrived and conlign'd it, as that it deferves to be Commemorated with very great Solemnity andRe- verence. The Univecfe being vaftlygreat, lhouldbe confider'd as the .Produa of his Almighty word and thought: for it declares thegrtatnefa of his Power ; and yet it is comparativelybut a faint hintof what he is able to produce and do, by his own Powerful Word4. The wife contrivance and apt harmony of this Stately Fabrick, fhews the great wifdom, and All-comprehending-thought of its fo glorious Builder, prat. civ. 24. Prov. iii. t9, zo, Jer. x. la. O what a va- riety ofSpheres, Regions, Globes, and Vortices ; of Animate and Inanimate Crea- tures ( to fay nothing of thole Innumerable Myriads of Spirits above) with their refpeétive Situations, Afpefts, Diftances, Influences, Furniture, and Me- tual Dependences, bath Infinite Power producedunder the Condu/- of thatWif- darn, whichhath fa Accurately, and Illuftrioufly fheiv'd it felf, in filch abundant Variegations, as may challenge and endure even our fevereftfourth and obliga- tion, to Admiration and Amazement ! Again, the Furniture and Provifions of this World, andof all the parts thereof, are equally Demonftrative of the Riches of God's goodnefs thereunto, pr. civ. 24.-28. All the Chambers and Apart- ments of this Edifice, are filled with precious and plea/ant Riches, Prov. xxiv. 4. * 7äy$ äitn a duet Óníó ands xboµou!rols yorñúacr rozµ,ra, zaIopárat, $ea alPi- e't alie d`wiauu xat 0/8711f, Sit '1 VP árrh arasroX6ydrab. How fit a Paraphraf this Text may be ofPfal. eis. z. let the Judicious and Learn- Judgeas they tee eagle, upon deliberate and mature PS/light, Prat.