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After Elijah's 'God.' 13 Pf cxlt i g, 16. All partsarehelpfull each to other, and every thing aptly con- tributes ( fuitably to its Capacity, place and meafure ) fomewhat to theadvantage of the whole and every thing derives more benefit from the whole than it can communicate thereto. And Owhat apt applications, accomodations.and addreffes, dothLlniverfal Providence make of its Concerned and CommunicativeSelf, both to the entire Compages of Heaven and Earth, and to the Capacity and Concerns of everypart thereof ! At laftcomesMan tobe the Lord andPoffeffor of thefe things; but yet as under Law to Gad; as the Difcerner of God's Eminence, as a Votary to his Will; and as the recipient of God's Comunicativegoodnefs. God makes him appre- henfive, fenfbly, and ufefull, intelligent, Voluntary, and aftive ; (t) That he might difcern the Charafiers and Imprfes ofhis God, upon the VifibleWorld, and bis own felf; and his Relations and obligations unto 'that God who made him, and all theWorld about him ; and the true referenceof all Things and Beings, and ofhimfelf, to their great Original and End. ( z. ) That hemight fee and relifh Gods goodnefs to him, in thofe vaft Capacities and Appetites which Godhadgiven and for thedue Satisfnaion whereof God had fo abundantly provided. (3. ) That Man might know, to and with whom he is to live ; and how he is accommo- . dated for his full, Praflical Devotednefs, and Faithfull fervice to hisGod And as God madehim an EmbodyedSpirst; and thereby Capable ofmanifold fenfations for the fuller Entertainment, Tryal, and Employment of his Soul; fo he had a gloriousand well fnrnifhedWorld to Minifter fenfibly to the improvementof his mind, theEftablifhment and Reftefhment of his heart, and the full Exércife ofall thofe Energy's and Vigours which were rooted in his Soul ; and wereto be drawn out unto their fit Explications, and Engagements of themfelves, by roper objefts and occurrences to that purpofe : And than Godmakes a Woman for him, out of his own fide: and having given her to him in marriage he lays Foundations for Fellowfhip and. Social Converfation; for Government; for Propagation; and for Family-Religion and Concerns. All this, . andmuch more cloth this day mind us of, 'as a Sabbatical memorial of the God of Nature, 'hitting forth in the Vifible Creation: Though by the Miniltry of Angels unto Adam an higherState and Order of Beingswas more than hinted. And for a Rare in all the benefits, fervice, and pleafure, of this fo well formed and furnithed World, Comes in Elijah in his proper Courte. The Bodyand Spirit of Elijah ; the Earth whereinhe fojourn'd; the Heavens through and to which he went; theHeavens ofHeavens (fo ancient whereupon God rides, and whereinElijah dwells ; all things andbeings that mini- fired to Elijah's fatisfafìion, and advantage here; the Angels Who convey'd'him hence ; . ( fee Pf. Ixvüi. ì 7. ) and all the Ætherial (or what ever other) Materials of that Chariot, and thofe horfes which carryed him on high; with all thofe many, many Myriadsof pure and unembodyed Spirits; and all the glorious and delight - full treafures which entertain him there; O Let all thefe be thought on, as the Worksand Produés, and glorious Memorials of Elijah's, God. Thus may we re- prefent him like himfelfto us, fo as to Engage Acknowledgments, and Improve- ments of his own for him: for it is of, and through, and to, Elijah's God that all things are. z. As this Day isthe Lord's -Day So let Elijah's Friend and Anti-type be re- membred; even the raifed Lord of Life; O let him have your livelieft andmolt thankfujl thoughts, Pf cxviii. 22---24. Ephef. i. 19-23. i Pet. is 3- --21. Ae ( even Elijah) may thank God for gefus Chrifi, and he may thankChrifb ( though beforehe was Tranflated, he might know but littleof him) for all that Providence, grace; and power, that wrought and brought him fo effeftually and miraculoufly to his Heavenly State andGlory ; and fo maywe. Pleb. vi.., 7---zo. Elijah knew not then fo well as now he Both ( nor as perhaps we know) by whom andhow he was thus to be priviledged, Col. i. z6, 27. Eph. iii. 9- --t i. Chrifi Rifen from the titad, broachu all the Springs of Life, peace joy and hope : he open'd all the Trea- fures fromwhence our Succours and Acconiplifhments muft be derived. The up-; perSprings iiThed through Chrifi upon all his Minifters and Members; but feting 'tis Elijah as a Prophet, which we are here confidering; fo may we well Confider our railed Lord and Head, as oneby whom all Minifters and Prophets are over- shadowed from on high, in order totheir furniture andpower for the bifcharge of their great Trutt, and Workbelow : for we are all by thefame Lord gifted ( though not equally) for the great things that we,are feet about; and we are all actuated