The Tf1BI.aE,1. D. ylnR. ¡jaw's á. 378 lYl Mr. Dell, 146. His Character 1.64 Remarkable Deliverances Mr.Baxter met with in the courfe of his Life; as from the Temptations of a Life about the Court ; and trom being run over by a Waggon; and ina Fall from an Horfe, and from the Temptations of Gaming, 1. aa, 12. from the malice of the Rabble ofKiddermin/ler, 1.24,4o. from under great weaknels, from fudden Accidents, and dangers of threat- fling Diftempers,r.8o,81,82. from a threat- ping Accident at St. Dun RaidsChurch, 2. 301. from a Musket Bullet, fhot into the Room where he was, z.44r. from another threatning Accident over St. yames's Mar- ket-Houfe, &e. 152 Diocefan. An Account of the Diocefan frame of Government as fettled in England,z.396 the Execution ofit, 397. Reflections up. on it 2.398 Mr. Thomas Doolittle 3.19,95' Spiritual Doubts that exercifedMr.Baxter ma- ny years; with their proper Solutions, o.6 Dr. Calibute Downing 1.42 Dr. Drake 1: 67.2.303. 3.94 Dunflan's Church. A fudden Coniternation amongft thePeople when Mr. Baxter was once preaching there 2.301 Mr. John Dury 1. 117 The Dutch. OF our War with them in 1666. 3.16. of their burning our Ships at Chatham, 3. zo. of our fecond War with them 3. 99 E. DR. Earls. His falfe Report concerning Mr. Baxter, 2. 381. his Letter to him by way ofExcufe 382 Edgebi8 Fight 1.43 Mr. John Elliot of New-England, 2. 29o. a Letter of histo Mr.Baxter 2.293 Mr.Tobias Ellis 3.96 The Engagement. Or Oath of Fidelity to the Rump 1.64 The Eraflians. A Cenfure of them,2.139,x41 Earl of E.fJexs Ofhis being laid afide by the Parliament 1.47 Captain Everard 1.78 The Countefs Dowagerof Exeter,3.6o. Her Charakter 3.95 Mr. Eyres ofSalisbury r. 11x F. MR: Richard Fairclougb, 3.71. His Chan- "' 3.96 Sir Thomas Fairfax. His Character 1.48 his great Perplexity, 1.63. and refrgnati- on 64 Mr. Falkener Of the Farewel Sermons o nillers Dr. Daniel Featly Mr. William Fenner Mr. Ember Of theFire of Landon Mr. Giles Firmin Mr. Samuel Fifher Mr. Richard Foley 1.1; Mr. Thomas Foley, 3.71. a Charakter of him, Mr. Ford of Exeter 3 97 Serjeant Fountain, His kindnefs to Mr. Bax- ter 3.86 Dr:Fowler 3.85 Mr. Henry Foutue 3.90 Mr: Franklin 3 2,19 Dr. Frewen Archbilhopof York 2. 305 Mr. Froyfell 3. 94 Dr. Fulweod 3. 102 Fundamentals. ACommittee ofDivines cho- fete in Oliver's time,to determine thenum- ber, and fix the limits of them, 2.197. Mr. Baxter'sJudgment about them in fhort, ib. &p. 198. the Proceedings of that Com- mittee 199, &c. Faneral.A remarkable Funeral Sermon preach'c by Mr. Baxter at Bridgnortb x, 20 the füenc'd Mi- 2.30; 0.73 x. 13 3.91 3.16 3'74,1C2 3.98 G. MR. Francis Garbett r.5'. Dr. Gauden,Bifhop of Exeter, 2.117,218, 276,305,36; Dr. Gell x.78 Dr, Gibbon 1.78. 2.205 Mr. Thomas Gilbert 3.98 Mr. Jofeph Glanvile 2. 378 Dr. ThomasGood, 2. 149. a Letter of Mr. Baxter's to him 3.048 Dr. ThomasGoodwin 1.73,103. 2.197. 3.19 Church Government. See Church, Mr.Thomas Gouge,;. 17,94. a Chara&er of bins, 3.147,148. His Death 3. 190 Dr. Grew ofCoventry, 1.44. His Characer, 3. 9; Mr. George Griffith 2.193. 3.19 Mr. Grimes 3. 2,19 Mr. Thomas Grove 3.86 Mr. Grunman 3. x Dr. Gunning, afterwardEilhop of Ely, 2.276, 277,337,346,349,356,357,363,364. a Pri. vate Conference between him and Mr. Baxter, 3. 104 H. DR. Hackett 2.276 Sir Matthew Hale. His Charakter, 3. 47,175+181 Mr. Hall, alias Church 3 13 Mr. Thomas Hall 3 93 Mr. John Hampden 1.17.3.M7 r.