Baxter - BX5207 B3 A2 1696

Thé TAB LE. Mr. Richard Hampden 2.448 Mr. Robert Hamilton ;. 88 Dr. Hammond, 1.62,73. 2.149. a Treaty be- tween him and Mr. Baxter, A- greement with the Epifcopal Party, juft before the returnof K,Cbarle, IL2.zo8,&c. Col.Edward Harley r S9 Major GeneralHarrifon. His Chara&er, 1. 87,70,74 Mr. Heath 3.94 Sir Nathaniel Herne 3.172 Mr. Samuel Hilderjham 3.98 Dr. Hirschman, Bithopof Salisbury, 2.274,276, 277,278,305,363 Mr. Hinckley ofNorfteld 3- 73 3.93 3.96 Mr. Hinkt Mr. Hodges Dr, Holdfiortb Mr. Hollmgwortb Mr. Hooker Mr. WilliamHopkins. Dr. Horton Mr. Horton Mr. John Howe Mr.Hughes of Plimoutb 1.73 ;.180 3.r; His Chara&er 3.91 2.303,307 tbsd. 3.13,97 3.97 L DR. Jacomb, 1.265. 2.197,214,30;, 305, 1/ 307,337,346. 3.13,19. His Chara&er, 3.95 Mr. Arthur 3ackfen, 1.67. 2.218,303. 3.94 Mr. Henry Jackfm ' 2 38; Dr. ane 3.177 Mr.Janeway, ;,2,19, IdisCharaíter 3.95 Mr. Jenkyns,. 1.67. 2.229.3 94 Mr. Peter Ince 2.432. 3.97 ',dependant,. TheirChara&er, I. 102, 103, 004. 2.140,143,387. a fruitlefs attempt of Union with them, managed with Mr.Nye, 218. Another ofthe fame kind with Dr. Owen, 3.61,62,&c. Infidelity. Mr. Baxter's Temptations to it, 1.21 Mr. Martin3obnfon,2.179. Letters between him and Mr. Baxter, about theNecefBtyor noNeceflìty ofEpifcopal Ordination, and an uninterrupted Succeflion in the Church, Appendix Numb.2. Mr. William Jobnfon, the Papift. An Ac- count of the Difference between him and Mr. Baxter 2.218, &c. Mr. Jaice. 3.91 Dr. Jnaton, Archbifltop of Canterbury, 1.21' 2.433 R. KEdermì,Jber. Mr. Baxter's firlt fettle- ment there, Lao. of the Sequeftration of the Living there, 1.79. Mr. Baxter's great Pains and eminent Succefs in that Town, 0.83,84,85. the Difcipline that he kept up there, 1.91. His fruitlefs endea- vours to return thither,after his Ejeiment, 2'298 &c. He goesdown rhither,butcould not be allow'd to ftajt there,2.;74. how the poorPeopletherefared afterwards. 375,376 frameof them grew very hot and fiery,;73 Dr. Kendal. His Chargier r,, 0o. 2.2.06 Dr. King Bithopof Rocbeftir 2. 305 Mr. Simon Ring 3.98 MR. Lamb,2.18e. ;.í80. Letters between him and Mr.Baxter. Append.Numb. ;, Dr.Lampingbs Bishopof Exeter 3.178 Dr. Lany, BifhopofPeoirboroagb, 2.301, 337, Mr. Laptborit 1zó Mr. Edwárd Lawrence 3.94 Mr. George Lawton 1.107 The Litters çontain'd in this Voluriie, are there following t One from Mr. Vines to Mr. Baxter, 2. 047. One from an unknown hand tó Sir Ralph Clare, containing certain Queries, the So- lution whereof wasdefired froth Mr. Bax. ter, 2.151. Mr. Baxter's Anfwer, 153, &cá a Letter ofMr. Baxter's to Sir Ralph Clare, 2.157.2 Letter from the Minifters of Weft-. moreland and Cumberland to thole of Wer-' eeflerfhire, 162. their Anfwer to it, 164. a Letter from the kills to the Worceflerfbire Minigers, 169. their Anfwer, l7o. A fe- cond from the IriJl, Minigers, 171. One of Mr. Baxter'sto Bishop Brewnrigg,2.172. His Reply, 274,&c: Oneof Mr. Baxter's to Mr. Nye, 2.188. two of Mr. Baxter's to theLady Anne Lindley, 2.221, &c. one of Mr. Baxter's to the Lord Chancellour, 2. 282. One to Mr. Baxter, from the Court and Government of New England, 2.292.. Another from Mr. Norton, 292. Another' from Mr. Elliot, 293. Mr. Baxter's Anfwet toMr.'Elliot,'29S. One of my Lord Chan- cellour Hyde's to Sir Ralph Clare,aboutMr. Baxter's return to Rederminfler,2.299. One of Mr. Baxter's to Dr. Earls about a falfe Afperfìon, 2.382. One of his t8 an ho= nourable Perlon,about a ComprehenSon, and Indulgence, z. 474. a Letter to Mr. Baxter from Monfieur Amyraur, and ano- ther from Monfieur Sollicofer, 2. 442. a Letter from my Lord AJbley to Sir John Trevor, with a Cafe of Confcience, to be %lv'd by Mr. Baxter, 2.445. Mr. Baxter's Reply, ibid. ALetter fromDr. Bates to Mr: Baxter, about the Affair of the Oxford Oath, 3.14. One from Dr. Manton to Mr. Baxter about anAddrefs from thePresbyte- rian Minigers to the King,3.36. One from Dr.Owen to Mr.Baxter about the Terms of Agreement with the Independants, 3. 6 ;. One from Mr. Baxter to theEarl of Lau- derdale, 3.75. a fecond to the Earl of Lau. derdale,3,77. One ofhis toSir Robert Mar - T re),