The IAB L. rey, 78. One of histo the Earl of prery a- bout a general Union ofProteftants,3.io9. One ofhis to Dr. Good Mafter of Baliol Colledge in Oxford, 3. 148. One from Dr. 7illotfon to Mr. Baxter, 3.r47. Letters be- tween Mr. Baxter and. Mr.3ohnfon, Append. N.z. - between Mr. Baxter and Mr.Lamb, Append. N.3. - between Mr.Baxter and Mr. Allen,Append. N.4. a Letter ofMr.Bax- ter to Mr. Long ofExeter, Ap. p. ro8. a Letterofhis to a Friend, about the Cafe of Nevil Symmonr the Bookfeller, Ap. p. r5.7. a Letter of his to the Right Worlhipful Sir E. H. about General Concord, Ap. p.230. TheLeveller/. Their temper and rite, 1.54. their Infurre,Rion and Suppreflion 61 Mr. Lewis 3.13 Dr. Lightfoot 2.303,305,307 TheLady Anne Lindfey. Her Sedationby the Papifls, 2. 259. Two Letters of Mr. Baxter to her 2.221, &C.. The Liturgy. Propofals ofthe Presbyterian Minifters to KingCharier Il.about it,z.234 More O6je6tions againff it 2. 2S4 Mr. Long of Exeter. A Letter ofMr.Baxter to him, Ap. N 5. Dr. William Lloyd Mr. Load Mr. Chriftopher Love Mr. Level The Lord Lucas 3"x79 i.3 .67 3 92 3.84 M. MR. William Madflardof Bridgnortb r. 15 Mr. Malden ofNewport 3. 94 Earl of Mancbefler,289, &e. Dr. Manton, 2.197,214, 218, 229, 230, 276, 283,303,305. 3.19. a Letter of his to Mr. Baxter about an Addrefs of the Minifters to.the King, 3.37. His Imprifonment, 3, 74. His Charaeter, 3.95. His Death,3.182 Mr. StephenMarfhal' 2.42,62. 2.197 Dr. Mafan 3. 177 Mr. Mayo 3. 13 Mr. Robert Mayor. His Legacy of 6001. to Nonconformilt Minillers 198 Melancholy. Some Advice to fuch Perlons as are troubled with it 3.85,86 Militia. TheControverfie about it between KingCharles 1. and his Parliament 1.3o TheSilenced Mini/1err, in great hopes of an Indulgence or Comprehenfion in 1663. 2433. howbafely theywere difappointed 2.435. force ofthem preach in the City Churches in the time of the Sicknefs, 3.2. Twenty ofthem take the Oxford Oath, 3, 13. they firft open their feparate Meetings. prefently after the Fire, when molt of the Churches were burnt down, 3.19. they are conniv'd at in their Meetings for a while, 3. 22. they make an Addrefs of Thanks to the King for his Clemency, 3.36, &c. fame ofthem privately wait' on hisMajeffy, 3.87. Charadters of divers of them, 3.9o,&c. ro 98. they have Liberty given them in 1672. by the King's Decla- ration, 3.99. their Licenfes are calla in , and the Laws requir'd to be put inExecu- tion a aintithem 4 The Fifth Monarchy men. Their Infurre& O° 2.30r Major General Monk 1.669,105.2.24 Mr. Moor 1.42 Mr. Simon Moor 3.91 Dr. Morley, fixa Bithop: of'Worcer 3 after- wards of Winebefler, 2.218, 274, 276, 277, 278,305.,337,338,339,349, 343., 345,347, 357,363,375,384. 3.84,x56 Sir William Mortice 1.105 Mr. Morton 1.42 Dr. Morton 3.96 Louis Du Moulin, r. no. o. his jugulars; Caafe 3.85 N. 'MR. James Mahon, t..42,67. HisDeath, and Charafter 2.431.3.94 Mr. Nanfen 2.373 Nafeby Fight r. o James Nayler. The Ringleader 'of the Qa- hers 1. 77 Mr. Needier 3.94 New.England. An Account of the Affairs of that Plantation ' 2. 290 Mr. MatthewNewcomen, 2.232,281,303,307 Mr. Newton ofTaunton 3.13 Nonconformi/lr. Their feveral Principles and Pleas 2.394, &C. Mr. Norman of Bridgwater 2.432 Mr. PhilipNye, 1.731101, 103.2.197,4 ;0. 3.19. a Debate between him and Mr.Bax- ter about an Union with theIndependants, 2.188,189,&c. O. MR. Oaflandof Bewdloy, 5.95. 2.383. His Charadter 3.91 Oath/.0f the Etcoetera Oath impofedin 2640. Reafons for and againft thetakingofit, e. r 5, &c. of the Oath to the Rump call'd the Engagement, 1.64. of the Oath ofCa- nonical Obedience, 2. 425. of the Oxford Oath. Reafons againff it 3.5 Order,. My. Baxter Epifcopally ordain'd, Mr.Overton 3.13 Or. Owen, 1.64,101,103.2.197. 3.19, 42. a Treaty between him andMr:Baxter about an Union between the Presbyteriansarid Independents, .3.61,62. a Letter of his to Mr. Baxter about that matter,63. thelffue of thisTreaty 3.69. $.73 P. Sir