Baxter - BX5207 B3 A2 1696

The 2ABLE. P. I R John Packington 2.298,301 Papiffs. Their hand in the Death of K. Charlo I. 2.373 Whether it be lawful for a Proteflant to marry a Papift ? 2..44q,&c. Their carriage prefently after the Fire of London, 3.zo. great fears of them in 1673. 3.106. their Plot in 5678. 3.18; Mr. Parker 1.78 Dr.Samuel Parker. His Ecclefiaflical Policy, 3.41,42 Parliament. The Proceedings of the Long Parliament, 1.r 8. the different tempers of the Members of it, and a further Account of their Proceedings 1,25;&c. Mr. Parfaits 3.94 Mr.Pafton 3.93 Mr. Patenean 3.97 Dr. Patrick. His Friendly Debate 3. 39 William Pen. A Conference between him and Mr. Baxter ;.174 Mr. Perkins 1.42 Sir Francis Peter 3.18 Dr. Pierce. His falfe Accufation ofMr. Baxter, 2.279. His Chara&er, z.z8o -344, 34f, 346 Mr. Pigot 3;98 Dr. Pierfon, ? 33?,346,347,;49,337, ;64 Pinners-Hall Le6:ure. the quarelfomnels of thefndependantsthere at its first erection, 3.103. Mr. Baxter horribly defam'd by the Fa&ious on the Account of his Sermons there 3.154 Mr. Pitt 2.376 The Plague in the Year 1665 2 448. 3.1 Mr. Matthew Fool 3.13 94 Dr. Pordage and his Family 2.77 Mr. Porter of Wbiteburch. A Chara&er of him 3 94 Mr. Vavafor Pausal 3.72 Prayer. Remarkable Anfwers of it 1. 80 Common Prayer. Exceptions againft it,z. ;o8 Exceptions againlft it that were deiiver'd in by the Diffenting Minifters to theCorn- miffionersat the Savoy Conference, 2.316 Presbyterian Miniffers. Their trouble on the Account of their fidelity to K.Cbarles,t.67 Some of themmade the King's Chaplains upon his Refforation,2.2z9. their waiting upon his Majefty, and treatment by him, 2.230,2; t.their firft Propofals to the King about Concord, 2.232. leverai ofthem rrs. fufe Bilhopricks and other Preferments, 2. 283, 284. they prefent an Addrefs of Thanks to the King, for his Declaration concerning Ecclefialtical Affairs, 284,&c. they holda Conferenceat the Savoy with the Bithops, and feveral of their Divines, 2.305,&c. their Petition to the King after that Conference, z. ;66. Multitudes of themfilencd on Bartholomew Day 166z. 2.384. See filenc'd Ms/titters. Bi(hopp Frieleaux S'v.ln4 . .5.41. OF the Quakers ,1.77. their Refolution' under Sufferings 2.436 173 R. R. Rainbow 1.64 TheRanters 1.76 Mr.Rawlinfon 2. 303,305. 3.94 Mr. Jofeph Read, 3.92. his Imprifonment, .1 .76 Of Re- ordination, 2.422. Reafons againit con- tenting to it, 3.3o. [fal(ly pag'd 38]. Dr. Edward Reignold's, 1.64. 2.229,230,232, 265,274,276,278,281, 282. he accepts a Bifhoprick, 2. 28 ;,303,305,307,335,364 Mr. John Reognoid's 3.92 Mr. Reptar 2.197 Dr. Rive Mr. Roberts Mr. JofephRock Mr. Roles Mr. Rafe S. 3.46,48 3.2 3.93 3.13 -395 XAR. Saeheverill z.432 LYJ Mr. Jo. Sadler 1.64 Mr. Saltmarfls 1.56 Mr. Sanga,., 3 94,178. His Death 3.182 Dr. Saunderfon, hilltop of Lincoln 2.305,357, 6 The Savoy Conference. A large Account of it,2.3°3 ,&c. Of the furreptitious publica- tion of it 2.379 Scotland. The Diffatisfa&onsthere in King Charles the Firft's time , 1. ,6. Cramwel's march thither , 1.68. a great change of Affairs there in KingCharles the Second's time 3.147 The Scots. Of their first coming into Eng- 1and, 1.17. of their coming a fecond time into England rohelp the Parliament, 1. 49 of their adherence to King Charles the Se- cond upon the taking off of King Charles the Firlt 1.65,66 Seltaries in the Army, I. 53. in the Parlia- ment, 1.63. Obfrvations about their growth, r. 97. An whole days Difpute maintain'd wich (leme of them by Mr.Bax- ter at algmondefham 1.63 Seeker, 1.76 Dr. Lazarus Seaman, 1. 6z. 2.229. 3.13,94 Mr. Obadiah Sedgwiek 1.42 Mr. JohnSedgwiek ibid. The Learned Salden, no Hobbift 3.48 Mr. Richard Serjeant, I.79, 88. a Chará&er ofhim 3.91 The Earl ofSbaftabury 3.109 Mr. Sheffield 3.13 Dr. Sheldon , first Bifhop of London, then of Can-