The TIIBLE Canterbury a. 62. 1.276,305 The Sicknef in the year 1665. 2.418. 3.1 Sílened Minifiers. See Miniflers. Mr. Silvefier 3.96 Mr. Smith 3.13 Mr. Samuel Smith 1.9 Mr.South's misfortune when preaching before the King 2. 380 The Earl of Southampton 3.3 Mr. Sound. A. Chara&er of him 3.9; Dr. Sparrow Mr: Ambrofe Sperry, 'a. 383. His Character, 3.91 Mr.John Spilsbury 3.92 Dr. $1,40W, 42. 2.229,230,276,303,305. 3.97 Mr. Stancloe 3.13,96 Mr. James Stanfield 2.373 Dr. Sterne, Bitttop of Carlyle , afterwards of Tork 2.3 °5,338 Mr.Peter Sterry. Sir Benjamin Rudiard'sCha. rather of him. 1.75 Mr. Stoepe 2.380 Mt. &ebbs. A Character of him, 3.94. His Death 3.189 Mr. Nevil Symnsons. The Cafe between him and Mr. Baxter fisted in a Letter to a Friend, Ap.N.7. Mr. Swaine 3.98 Mr. Sidrach Sympfon 1.64, 73,103.2.197 7. MR. Francis Talento. A Character of him 3.94 Mr. Taverner 3.36,97 The Teif. Debates about in Parliamenti3.167 Mr. WilliamThomas 3.13 Mr. Tborndike 2.364 Mr. John Tombes, x.88. The difference that arofebetween him and Mr. Baxter , and their Difpute at Bewdley Mr. Andrew Tri/tram 1.96 3. 92 The Triers of Minifters 1.72 Dr. Tuckney 2.303,307. 3.97 Sir William Turner 3.48 Mr. Turner 3.2,19,9 5 Dr. William Twiffe 1.7; JudgeTyrelI 3.59 V. U. SIr Henry Vane. His Charader,n.75.. His Bravoury at the time of his Death, 1,76 The Van: lb. His Followers 1:74 TheLord Chief jolliesVaughan 3.59 Mr. Vaughan 3,96 Veneer 2.300 Mr. yenning 3.95 Mr. Richard Vines, 1.44,62,64. A Letter of his to Mr.Baxter 2.147. 2.197 Mr. ThomasVincent, 3.2,29. His Character, Mr. Nathaniel Vincent 3 95 3.19 Archbilhop Whey 1;25,62,73.2.097 Of Mr,Baxter's acquaintance with him, 2. 2o6. His Judgment about Univerfal Re- demption i and about the validity ofPres- byters Ordination, ibid. His Reduction of Epifcopacy, or Model of Church Go- vernment at large,2.z ;8. This wasoffer'd. King Charles the Firft at the yeof Wight, 1.62. and offer'd to King Charles the Se- cond upon his return, by the Presbyteri- an Minifters,as a (landing Form ofChurch Government 2.234 W. MR. Wadfwortb, 3. 19. His Character, 3. 95,178 Mr. Humphrey Waldern 1.88,92 Dr. Wallis, I. 107. 2. 229,230,276,277,303, Ralph Wallis, the Cobler of Gloce/ter305 3323 Dr. Walton Bithop of Chefirr 2.305,340 War. Occafions of the Civil War between King and Parliament,2z6. the firft Dutch War, 3.16. the fecund Dutch War 3.99 Mr. John Warren 1.107. 3.97 Dr. Warmeftry 2.307,149 Mr. Thomas Wattfon 1.67. 3.19,95 BithopWefìford Col. Whaley 1.5r,55 Mr. JohnWhite 1.19 Mr. Whitaker Mr. RichardWckflead Judge Wild Mr. Wíldbore Dr. Wilkins 3.24 Mr. Wills 3.93 Mr. Wilton. HisCharacter 3.96 Mr. Willsby 3.92 Dr. Wincop TheLord Windier 1.73 3.95 2.4,11 3.59 3.1; 1.73 Dr. Winter 2.269 Mr. Benjamin Woodbridge 2403,307. 3.98 Mr. Woodcock Dr. Worth Mr. Woodward Mr. Thomas Wright of Kinnerfley FINIS. 7bia Table is tobe placed tats of all, and thefiat Signature fleonld be S, 3.94 2.232 3.36 3.94