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Spiritual Peace and Comfort. 57 Afl'urance. It is a fhrewd Ggn that our perfwafions of our truth ofGrace is a delufon, when we ;find the devil a friend to it, and helping it on : and it is a probable fign it is a good perfwafion, when we find the devil an enemy to it, and fill troubling us, and endeavouring our difquiet. And here I remember the fcruple that trsubleth fome about the fpirit of bondage, and the fpirit of Adoption. But you mull underhand that by the fpirit ofbondage, is meant that fpirit,and thofe ope- rations on the foul which the LawofWorks did na- turally beget in thofe that wereunder it ; which was, to be partly in bondage to a task of Ceremonious duties, and partly to the Curie, and obligation to Punifhment for difobedience, without any Power to Juilìfie ; Theywere laid therefore to be in bondage to the Law ; and the Law was, Paid to be a Yoak which 'neither they nor their fathers were able to .!3 bear, (s 15 . And by the fpirit ofAdoption is meant, T. That fpirit, or thofe qualifications and workings in their fouls, which by the Gofpel God giveth only to his fons. 2. And which rape in us tome child-like affet i- ons to God, inclining us in all our wants to run to him in Prayer as to a Father, and to make our moan to him, and openour griefs, and cry for redrefF,and look to him,and depend on him as a child on the fa- ther. This fpirit ofAdoption you may have, and yet not be certain ofGods fpecial Love toyou. The knowledgeonly ofhis general Goodnefs and Mercy, may be a means to raife in you true child-like affedi-- ons. You may know. God to have fatherly inch- nations to you, and yet doubt whether be will ule you