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Spiritual Peace and Comfort. 69 you to a Review ofyour Evidences, ftill have re° courfe only to thofe Signs, and try by them. What thefe Signs are, I have Chewed you fo fully in the forecited place in my book of Reft, that I (hall fay but little now Remember that Infallible figns are very few ; and that whatfoever is made the conditi- on of falva tion, that is the moll Infallible evidence of our falvation, and therefore the fitteíl Mark to try by : And therefore Faith in God theFather and the Redeemer, is the main Evidence. But becaufe I haveelfewhere fhewed you, that this Faith is cons- prehenfiveof Love, Gratitude, Refolution to Obey, and Repentance ; let me more particularly open it tohelp you in theTryal. To prove anyGrace to be faving, it is neceffary that you prove that falvation is fully promifed to him that hath it. Now if youwill know what it is that bath this Promife ; I will tell you, i. As to theObject. z. The Act. 3. The degree or modification of the Act. For all thefe three muff be enquired after, if you will get Affu- rance. i. The Object is principally God and the Redeemer Chrift : And fecondarily the Benefits given by Chrift and under that, the means to at- tain the principal Benefits, &c. z. The Act hath many Names drawn from Refpective and Modal differences in the Object ; as Faith, Defire, Love Choofing, Accepting, Receiving, Confenting, &c. But properly all are comprized in one word, willing. The Underfiandings high eftimation of God and Chrift , and Grace, is a Principal part of true facing Grace . but yet it isdifficult, and fcarce poffible to judge ofyour felf by it rightly, but onlyas it difco- versit!'elf by prevailing with theWill:3.The Degree: fit