Ì1e Ep f le Dedicatory: man onearth, My friend, but with a fuppofi Lion that he may pofsibly become mine ene- my; So I fhall never be fo confident of any mans Fidelity to Chrift, as not withall to fuf- peh that he may poffibly forfake him : nor ihall I boaft of any mans fervice for the Go.. fpel,but with a jealoufie that he may bedrawn to doas much againft it ( though God, who knows theheart, and knows his own decrees, may know his fncerity and foreknow his perfeverance.) Let me therefore remember you, that had you expended your whole eftates , and the blood of your hearts for Chrift and his Gofpel, he will not take him- felf beholden to you. He oweth you no Thanks for your deepeft Engagements,high- eft adventures, greateft coft, or utmoft endea- vours. Your are fare beforehand that you limit be no lofers by him : your feeming ha- zards increafe your fecurity : Your lofes are your gain ; your giving is your receiving ; your expences are your revenues : Chrift re- turns the largeft ufury. The more you doand fuffer for him, the more you are beholden to him, I muff alto remember you,that youmay pofsibly live to fee the day, when it will colt youdearer to thewyour felves faithful! to the Gofpel, Ordinances and Minifters of Chrift, then