Baxter - BT785 B39 1657

72 7ireaions.forgetting and keeping everlaafting nsifery, and the truthof both, andof the feveraignty ofGod the Father and Chrifi the Redeemer, andyour many engagements to him, and of the neceffity and good of obeying, and the evil of finning ; that you are trulyWilling, that ú, have a fettled refolution to cleave to Chrift, and obey bim in the deareft, snofi2 difgraceful, painful, hazardous fiefh-difpleafng Duties; even though it fhould cefi you the lofs of all your Worldly enjoyments , andyour fe ? 5 Doth tha%s Willingnefs or refolution already fo far prevail in your heart and life againfi all the intereft andiemptations of the World, the devil and your flefh, that youdo ordinarily prallife the molt ßriil and holy, the molt felf-denying, cofty andhazardous duties that you know God requireth ofyou,anddo heartily firive again'? all knownfin andovercome allgrofs fins, and *henyou fall un- der any prevailing temptation, do rife again by re- pentance, and begging pardon of God through the bloodofChrift, do refolve to Watch and refsft more carefullyfor the time to come. In thefe five Marks is expreffed the Gofpel-def- cription ofa true Chriftian. Having laid down thefe Marke, ï muft needs add a few words for the explaining of forne things in them, left you -- _mifta ke the meaning, and fo lofe the benefit of them: r. Obferve that it is your willingnef which is the very Point tobe tried. And therefore T. Judge not by your bare knowledge. z. Jedge not by the ftir- rings or palionate workings of your Affec`Iions. I pray you forget not this Rule in any of your felt- caaminings ;