Baxter - BT785 B39 1657

Spiritual Peace and CGnf orta 83 9. Yeti here add,that it mutt be afettledRefolution: And that to intimate, that it mutt be an Habituated Nillingnefs orRefolution.The Prevalency of Chrifts I-ntercít in the foul mutt be an Habitual Prevalency,l f a man that is terrified by a rowftngSermon, or that lieth in cxpeäationofprefent death, íhould actually. Refolve to forfake fin,or perform duty; without any further change ofmind, or habit, or fixedncfs of this Refolution; it would be of no great value, and foon extinguifbed. Though yet I believe that no unfan i- fled man loth ever attain to that full Refolution for Chrift, which bath a complacency. inQuilt ac- companying it, and which may be termed the Pre-: vailing part of the will : Thofe that Teem Refolved to day, to be for Chrift, and todeny the world and the t3eíh, and the next day are unrefolved again, have calife to fufpeE that they were never truly refolvedo Though the will ofa godlyman may he under decli. nings in the degrees ofRefolution, yet Chrift hat( alwaies his Habitual Refolations, and ufually his Aftual in a prevalent degree. i o. I add alto the Grounds (in the fourth Mark on which this Refolution mutt be raifed. For falfe Grounds in the Underflanding will not bar up a: true Refolution in the Will And therefore we put the Articles of our Creed before our Profe.fon of, Confent and Obedience. Sound Do±rine and found Beliefofit breeds a found Refolution, and Makes a found heart &life.If .a man refoly toobey.Chrift up on;a conceit that Chrif{ wil never put him upon any fuffering(elfe he wouldnot refolve it,' and that lic i11 give hip, fuehbrUitiilfpleafures vitin he is dead,