Baxter - BT785 B39 1657

The Epi¡leDedicatory. terefts. Watch carefully that no weakneffes of the Minifter do draw you to a dif-efteem of the Ordinances'of God : nor anyof the fad mifcarriages ofProfeffors íhould caufe you to fet lefs by Truth or Godlinefs,. Wrong not Chrift more, becaufe other men have fo wronged him. Quarrel! more withyour own unfitnes and unworthinefs in Ordinances, then withother mens. It is the frame of your own heart that doth more to help or hinder your Comforts, then the qualityof thofe you joyn with. To thefe fewDire Lions added to the reft in this Book, I thall fubjoyn my hearty Prayers, that you may receive from that Gofpel and Miniftry which you have owned, fuch flability in the faith,fuch victory over the flefh and the world, fuchapprehenfi- ons ofthe Love of God in Chrift , fuch di- ration inevery lirait and duty, that youmay Live uprightly, Die peaceably, and Reign Glorioufly. Amen. May9. 165 3. Tour feyvant in the Faith andGo /elofGbrifl. icb. Baxter.