Baxter - BT785 B39 1657

Spiritual Peace and Comfort. i are in ficknefs,in troubles, and dangers,and pinching firaits, in fears a,pd ang.ifh of mold : In this cafe you cry to,Godfa "r help, and he doth in fuch a man- ner deliver you as filenceth your diftruft, and con- vinceth you of his love ; at leali ofhis readinefs to do you good. What a wrong is it now ro God and your felf to forget this prefently, and in the next temptation to receive no f}rengtheningby the confi- deration of it ? Loth God fo much regard this dirty fefh, that he fhoulddo all this meerly for its cafe and relief ? No, he doth it to kill your un- belief, and convince you of his fpecial Providence, his care ofyou, and love to you, and power to help you, and to breed in you more loving, honourable and thankful thoughtsofhim : Lofe this benefit and you lofe all : You may thus ufe one and the fame Mercy an hundred times. Though it be gone as to the body ; it is fill frefh in a believing, thank- ful, careful foul. You may make as good ufe of it at your very death, as the firfi hour. But O the fad forgetfulnefs, mutability andunbeliefof thefehearts ofours ! What a number ofthefe choice experien- ces do we all receive ? When we forget one, God giveth another,andwe forget that too : Whenun- belief doth blafphemoufly fuggeft to us , Such a thing may cone once or trice by chance. God ad- deth one experience to another, till it even fhame us out of our unbelief, as Chrift fhamed Thomas, and we cry out, t..iiyLordand My God. Hath it not been thus oft with you? Have not Mercies come fo feafonably , founexpeaedly, eitherby finall means, or the means themfelves unexpeftedly raifed up without your deligning or effecting ; and plainly in anfwer.