Baxter - BT785 B39 1657

Spiritual Peace and Comfort. 153 at all to be Jealous of God. Where find you in Scripture that any is condemned for hard thoughts of themfelves, or for not know- ing themfelves to have true Grace ; and for thinking they had. none ? It is true unbelief in Cods Promife that men are condemned for : even that fin which is an Averfion of the Soup from God. But perhaps youwill ask,. Is doubt- ing of our own fincerity and Salvation no fin ? I anfwer, Doubting is either taken in oppofition to believing, or in oppoltion to knowing, or to con- jeéuring. I. Doubting as it fgnifieth only A not-be- lieving that our fins are pardoned, andwe (hail be laved , is no fin (fill remember that I take be- lieving in the flri& proper fenfe, for The Crediting of a Divine TeJhmony or 4f fertion) For God bath no where commanded us ordinarily to believe ei- ther ofthefe; I fay Ordinarily (as I did in the pro- pofition before) becaufe when Chrift was on earth he told a man perfonally Thy fins are forgiven thee (whether he meant only as to the prefent difeafe in- fliäed for them, or allo all puniíhment Temporal and Eternal, I will not now difcufs) fo Nathan from God told David, His fin IVaa forgiven : But thefe were Priviledges only to thefe perfons, and not common to all. God bath no where faid , either that All mens fns are ativallly forgiven; or that yours or mine by name are forgiven: But only that All that believe are forgiven ; which fuppofeth them to believe before they are forgiven , and that they may be forgiven , and therefore it is not true that they are for- given