Spiritual Peace and Comfort. 153 at all to be Jealous of God. Where find you in Scripture that any is condemned for hard thoughts of themfelves, or for not know- ing themfelves to have true Grace ; and for thinking they had. none ? It is true unbelief in Cods Promife that men are condemned for : even that fin which is an Averfion of the Soup from God. But perhaps youwill ask,. Is doubt- ing of our own fincerity and Salvation no fin ? I anfwer, Doubting is either taken in oppofition to believing, or in oppoltion to knowing, or to con- jeéuring. I. Doubting as it fgnifieth only A not-be- lieving that our fins are pardoned, andwe (hail be laved , is no fin (fill remember that I take be- lieving in the flri& proper fenfe, for The Crediting of a Divine TeJhmony or 4f fertion) For God bath no where commanded us ordinarily to believe ei- ther ofthefe; I fay Ordinarily (as I did in the pro- pofition before) becaufe when Chrift was on earth he told a man perfonally Thy fins are forgiven thee (whether he meant only as to the prefent difeafe in- fliäed for them, or allo all puniíhment Temporal and Eternal, I will not now difcufs) fo Nathan from God told David, His fin IVaa forgiven : But thefe were Priviledges only to thefe perfons, and not common to all. God bath no where faid , either that All mens fns are ativallly forgiven; or that yours or mine by name are forgiven: But only that All that believe are forgiven ; which fuppofeth them to believe before they are forgiven , and that they may be forgiven , and therefore it is not true that they are for- given