Baxter - BT785 B39 1657

156 DireE1ions forgetting andkeeping nonewill fay that fodoing is properly a fin, though doing them defeftively is. God doth not will and approve of it, that any foul that can fee no Signs of Grace and fincerity in it fell ,fhould yet be as confident, andmerry, and carelefs, as if they were certain that all were well. God would not have men doubt of his Love, and yet make light of it : This is a contempt of him. Elfe what fhould-poor carnal (inners do that find themfelves unfan&ified. No nor Both God expert that any man fhould judge of himfelf better then he bath evidence to warrant filch a judgement : But that every man fhould prove his own work, that fo he may have rejoycing in himfelf alone andnot in ano- ther. For he that thinketh he is fomething when he is nothing deceived) himfelf, Gal.6. 3,4, 5, 6. And no man should be a felf- deceiver efpeci- ally in a cafe of fuch unexpreífible confequence. It is therefore a molt defperate doctrine of the Antinomians ( as molt of theirs are ) that all menought to believe Gods fpecial Love to them, and their own Juftification : and that they are juftified by Believing that they were juftified be- fore: and that no man ought to queftion his faith ( faith Sattmar/h, any more then to queftion Chrift : ) and that all fears ofour Damnation, or not being Juftified after this believing , are fin : and thofe that perfwade to them , are Preachers of the Law, ( How punually do the moll prophane ungodly people hold moll points of the Anti, omian belief , though they never knew that SeJ by name 1 ) God commandeth no man to believe more then is true : nor im- mediatly