Spiritual Peace and cornfort: 157 mediatly to cart away their doubts and fears; but to overcome them in an orderly methodi® cal way : that is, tiling Gods means till their Graces become more difcernable , and their un- derftandings more clear and fit to difcern them, that fo we may have Affurance of their fince- rity , and thereby Of our Juftification , Adop- tion, and right to Glorification. Heb. q.. r. Let Ud therefore fear let a Promife being left of en- tring into his Re /, any of ue Jhowld feem to come Jhort of it. Pfal. 2. z i . Serve the Lord with fear, and rejoice beforehim with trembling , Kifs the Son left he be angry and ye perifh. Phil. 2. 12, work out your Salvation with fear and trembling. Not only I. A reverent fear ofGods Ma¡city. 2. And a filiar fear of offending him. 3, And an aw- ful fear of his Judgements when we fee them executed on others and hear them threatned. 4. And a filial fear of temporal chafifements are lawful and our duty : but alío 5. A fear of damnation exciting to moft careful importuni- ty to efcape it ; whenever we have fo far ob- fcured our evidences, as to fee no ftrong proba- lity ofour fincerity in the faith, and fo of our fal- vation. The fummofmy fpeech therefore is this : Do not think that all your fears of Gods wrath are your fins ; Much of them is your great duty. Doyou not feel that God made thefe fears at your firft converfion, the firflt and a principal means of your Recovery ? todrive you to a ferious confide- ration of your Mate and wayes , and to look after Çhrift with more longing and eftimation ? and to ufe the means with more refolution and diligence?