158 DireElionsorgetting and keeping diligence ? Have not thefe fears been chief pre- fervers ofyour diligence and integrity ever fince I know love (Mould do more then it doth with us all : But if we had not daily ufe for both (Love and Fear) God wouldnot I. Have planted them both in our natures. 2..And have renewed them both by regenerating Grace. And have put into his word the objets to move both {vii. Threatnings as well as Promifes) That fear of Godwhich is the beginning of wifdom includeth the fear of his threatned wrath. I could fay abundance more to prove this, but that I know as to you it is needlefs for convinion of it : but remember the ufe of ir. Do not put the name of unbelief upon all your fearsof Gods difpleafure. Much lefs Mould you prefently canclude that you have no faith, and that you cannot believe, becaufe of thefe fears. You may have much faith in the midft of thefe fears ; and God may make them prefervers of your faith by quickning you up to that means that muff main- tain it, and by keeping you from thofe evils that would be as a wormat the root ofir, andeat out its precious flrength and life, Security is no friend to faith : but a deadlier enemy then fear it felf. 06). Then Cairn and 7asdas finned not by defpairing : or at leaf± not damnably. Aofw, 1. They defpaired not only of themfelves, and of the event of their falvation, but all() ofGod ; of his Power or Good- nefs, and Promife, and the fufficiency ofany fatif fanion of Chriff. Their infidelity was the root of their defpair. 2. Far is it from me to fay or think that you fhould defpair of the event, or that it is no fin; yea or that you fhould cherifh caufelefs and