Baxter - BT785 B39 1657

Spiritual Peace and Comfort 159 and excefive jealoufies and fears : I (hall thew ou towards the end, the finfulnefs of fo doing. Take heed ofall fears that drive you fromGod, or that diftra t or weaken your fpirit, or difable you from duty, ordrownyour love to God, and delight in him , and defroy your apprehenfions of Gods Lovelinefs and Compaffion and ralle black and hard, andunworthy thoughtsof God inyour mind. Again, I intreat you avoid and abhor all filch fears. But ifyou find in you the fears of godly jealoufie of your own heart, and filch moderated fears of the wrathof God, which banith fecurity, prefumption and boldnefs in finning , and are (as D. Sib. cals them) the awe-band of your foul ; and make you fly to the merits and bofom of the Lord Jefus, as the affrighted child to the lap ofthe Mother, and as the man- (layer under theLaw to the City ofrefuge,and as a man purfued by a Lion, to his San&uary or hold : do not thinkyou have no faith, becaufe you have thefe fears ; but moderate them by faith and love, and then thankGod for them. Indeed Perfect love (which will beinheaven when all is perfee`ed) will call out this fear ; and fo it will do forrow and care, and prayerand means. But fee you lay not thefe by till Perfect love cart them out,SeeIer.5.32, 23.& Heb. z 2.two laft verles. WhereforeWe receiving a KingdomWhich cannot be moved, let usferve God acceptably with reverence and godly fear. For our God is aconfuming fire. I am fenfible that I am too large on thefe fore; going heads I will purpofely fhorten the reif, left I wearyyou,