Baxter - BT785 B39 1657

350 VireElionsforgetting and keeping you : 2. And fanetifie you byhis Spirit and Ruleth you by his Laws, and not directly by his blood-fhed: 3. And hewill juftifieyou at Judgement as King and Judge, and not as Satisfier or Sanc`tif er : But the Condition on your part of obtaining Intereft in Chrift and his benefits, is that one Faith which ac- cepteth him in all thefe refpeets ( both as King , Prieft and Teacher) and to all thefe endsconjuntily. But then 2. TheCondition and Worthinefs requir- ed to the Continuation and Confummation of your Pardon,Juftification, and right to Glory, is both the Continuanceof your faith, and your fincere obedi- ence, even your keeping the Baptifmal Covenant that youmade with Chrift by your Parents and the Covenant which you in your own perfon made with him in your firft true Believing. Thefe indeed are called tP'orth ne(s and Righteournefs frcgnently in the Gofpel : but it is no worthinels conliíting in any fuch works which make the Reward to be of Debt, and not of Grace ( of which Paul fpeaks) but onely in faith, and fuch Gofpel. works as Lames (-peaks of, which make the Reward to be wholly of Grace and not of Debt. Now if you fay you are unworthy in th's Evange- Veal fenfe, then youmuff mean (if you know what you fay) that you are an Infidel or Unb°liever, or an Impenitent obftinate Rebel that would not have Chrift to reign over him : For the Gofpel calleth none Unworthy (as non- performers of its Conditi- ons) but onely thefe, But 1 hope you dare not charge your felf with fuch Infidelitie and wilfull Rebellion. DOUBT.