Spiritual Peace and Comfort. DOUBT XII. 351 THough God path kept me from Grofs fini, let I findfuch a fearedne s of Confcience, andft little averfnefs fromfin inmy mind, that Ifear that I fhould Commit it if 1 lay under Temptations : and alfo that fhoudnot hold out in Tryal if 1 Were called to fuffer Death or any grievous Calamity. eAnd that obedi- ence x.kichendureth meerly for Want of a Temptation, is no true Obedience. ANSWER. Have fully anfwered this before. If you can overcome the temptations of Profperity, you have no caufe to doubt diítruftfully whether you fhall overcome the temptations ofAdverfty And if God give youGrace to avoid Temptations to fin, and fly occafions as much as you can, and to over- come themwhere you cannot avoid them ; you have little reafon to diftruft his prefervation of you, and your fedfaftnefs thereby , if you fhould be cart up- on greater Temptations. Indeed if you feel not fuch a Belief of the evil and danger of finning as to . poffels you with fame fenfibie hatredof it, you have need to look to your heart for the ftrengthning of that belief and hatred : and fear your heart with a godly preferving jealoufie ; but not with tormenting difqu:eting Doubts. Whatever your Pafnnate Hatred be if you havea fctled well-grounded Re- folution, to walk in obedience to the death, you may con-