Baxter - BT785 B39 1657

Spiritual Peace and Comfort. 3,5 pray , Lead tonot into Te+nptation,bot deliver ua from evil. (I never underftood the neceility of that Peti- tion feelingly, till I taw the examplesof thefe feven or eight years laft pall.) This being fo,you muff look that your perfeverance íhould be by being preferved fromTemptation ; and muff rather examine Whe- ther you have that Grace which will enable you. to avoid Temptations then whether you have Grace enough toovercome them , if you rufh into them. But if God unavoidably cart you upon them , keep upyour Watchand Prayer and you have no caufe to trouble your felf with diftruftful fears. DOUBT XIII. IAm afraid left I have committed the unpardos- able fin againft the holy Ghoft, and then there no hope ofmy falvation. ANSWER. T T feems you know not what the Sin againft the Holy Ghoft is ; It is this, When a man is con- vinced that Chrift and his Difciples did really work thofe glorious Miracles which are recorded in the Gofpel,andyet will not Believe that Chrift is the Son of God, and his Dotrine true, though fcaled with all thofe Miracles and other holy and wonderful works of the Spirit, but do blafphemoufly maintain that they weredone by the Power of the Devil. This is theSin againft the Holy Ghost And dare you fay C e that.