3 54 Direnionsfor getting and keeping that you are guily of this ? If yoube then you do not Believe that Chrift is theSon of God and the 1.4.efliah, and his Gofpel true. And then you will lure oppofe him, and maintain that he was a Decei. ver, and that the Devil was the Author of all the miraculous and gracious workingsof his Spirit. Then youwill never fear his difpleafure nor call him feri- oufly either Lord or !';aviour 1 nor tender him any fervice, any more then you do to Mahomet. None but infidels do commit the Blafphemy againft the Holy G ho} : Nor but few of them. Unbelief is eminently called [Sin] in the Gotpel : and that Vvhdief]which is maintained by blafpherning the -GloTions Works of the Holy Ghoft,which Chrift and his Difciples through many years time did perform for a Teftimorty to his Truth that is called fingular- ly IT The 6taing the Holy Ghofl You maymeet with other Defcriptions of this fin, which may occa- fion your terrour : but I am fully perfwaded that this is the plain Truth. DOUBT XIV. BVt Igreatly fear left the time ofGrace be pall : and left I have out-pt the day ofmercy, and no* mercy kithwholly forfaken me. For Ihave oft heard Minifters tell mefrom the word ; TLow is the Accept- ed time , 21&tv i the day ofyour Vilitation, To day, While it is called to day,. harden not your hearts, left CiodiWear in his wrath that youAall not enter into WI Pell. But i have flood out long after, I have refilled andquenchcdthe Spirit, andnow it is hear departed fromme. AN