Baxter - BT785 B39 1657

Spiritual peace and Comfort: 355. ANSWER. Ere is fufficient matter for Fumiliation : but the Doubting arifeth meerly from ignorance i The day of Grace may in two refpeds be laid to be over : The firm ( and tuft properly fo called )- is, When cod Will not Accept of a 'inner , thoúgh he fhould Repent and Return. This is 'never in this life for certain. Andhe that imagineth any fuch thing, as that it is too late while his foul is in his body, to Repent and Accept of Chrift and Mercy, is meerly ignorant of the Tenour and fenfe of the Gofpel For the New Law of Grace doth limit no time on earth for Gods Accepting of a Returning firmer, True Faith and Repentance do as furely fave at the laft hour, of the day, as at the firD. God path faid, that whofover believeth in Chrift, (hall not perifh , but have everlafling life. He bathno whereexcept ed late Believers or Repenters : Shew any fuch Ex- ception ifyou can. 2. The fecond fenfe in which it may be Paid that theday of Grace is over, is this : When a man bath fo long refilled the Spirit , that Clod loath given him over to Wilfull obflinate Refufals ofMercy, and of Chriff, Government, refolving that he Will never give him theprevailing Graceof his Spirit. Where note, 1. That this fame man might Dill have Grace as loon as anyother,ifhe were but Willing to Accept Chrift, and Grace in him. 2. That no man canknowof himfelfor anyother, that God bath thus finally for- faken him : For God bath given us no fign to know it by ;. ( at leali wbb fin not againit the Holy Ghoft. ) C c 2 God